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Chamblee Middle School Outreach

4 October, 2009 (14:40) | Events | By: tramakers

Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went on September 30, to the Chamblee Middle School for an entire school day, and did presentations for the 6th graders of Dr. Victoria Rao. Frank’s presentation explained and showed the students how telescopes work. They could touch and feel the optics and after Frank built the “open” telescope they could look through it and saw the results. Frank’s prsentation included refractors and reflectors.

Theo took the students on a flight through the solar system and they did visit a number of planets from a viewpoint you only can get from a space craft that orbits a planet, or moon. Most of them were very surprised to find out that other planets have moons that do not look like moons but more like asteroids…. The event was very rewarding for us and the students did like it too I believe. Some of them made it home with some nice sun posters and stereo cards of the sun. Click here for some pictures of the event. Thanks Frank and Theo for putting on this event.