Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

NSN Conference call, November 19, 2009

17 November, 2009 (10:43) | Presentations | By: tramakers

Thursday, November 19th, 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Dr. Jon Jenkins will speak featuring the December 2009 IYA Discovery Guide theme: Discovering New Worlds

On March 6, 2009 the telescope that is the centerpiece of the Kepler mission was flung into orbit, and began a landmark work. Its efforts promise to revolutionize our knowledge of how common (or otherwise) Earth-size worlds are.

Dr. Jon Jenkins is the Analysis Lead for the Kepler Mission, which means that he heads up a group of about a half-dozen scientists and programmers who are designed and tested the software that are the brains behind this dramatic search for other worlds. As Co-Investigator in the Kepler Mission, Jenkins was part of the original proposal team for Kepler, and has been helping to make this mission perfect for the past 14 years.

To log into the Telecon on Thursday, November 19th, between 5:45 – 6:00pm (Pacific Time) (8:45 – 9:00 Eastern):
Use the IYA toll-free conference call line: 1-888-455-9236
An operator will answer and: You will be asked for the passcode: NIGHT SKY NETWORK
Identify yourself as a member of the Charlie Elliott Chapter of the Atlanta Astronomy Club when you are being asked to give your NAME and the CLUB you belong to, and number of people listening with you.
Find the PowerPoint and more here: