Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Shuttle Endeavor lift-off on Feb 7 @ 4:39AM

2 February, 2010 (18:37) | ALERTS | By: Steve Bieger

The STS-130 astronauts will fly Endeavour to the International Space Station early this Sunday morning, Feb 7. Liftoff of Endeavour from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida is set for 4:39 a.m. NASA TV will cover the launch live on the Web at More at the Shuttle Mission web site.

In the past, we have actually been able to see the shuttle launch from Charlie Elliot field. Even though we are 435 miles north of Cape Canaveral, there is still a good line of site to the South East. Unaided views are impressive enough but binoculars are the way to go. Once the shuttle turns out to sea, you might get a good look at the boosters pealing off. This is one bright candle!

So for those among you intrepid enough to get up that early, rug up and head out to the CE field early Sunday. The weather forecast calls for a sunny day, so we might be in luck.

Clear skies (hopefully),
