Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

In Memoriam: our oldest member Angus Owens

13 October, 2010 (16:14) | ALERTS | By: tramakers

It is with great sadness that we received the message that our oldest chapter member Angus Owens passed away at the age of 92.   He was a true supporter of Larry in pursuit of his astronomy hobby.  Angus would drive Larry  all over the country in support of catching that solar eclipse or special astronomical event, and has attended with Larry probably more meetings than any of us.  Angus was also a very talented man and you will enjoy the comics he drew for the Saipan Beacon in World War II, on his website.

He was special to all of us and we will never forget his smile and the special place he had at the head table in our meeting room at Charlie Elliott, Visitors Center. 

Our member’s  condolences go out to Larry and his family in this difficult time.

Rest in Piece Angus, we will always remember you.
