Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Remarks of the Outgoing Chapter Director

10 May, 2011 (11:12) | ALERTS | By: tramakers

After three years as the director of the Chapter I decided not to re-run for the position of Director of the Chapter, but reduce my efforts to maintaining the Chapter’s website, coordinating the Chapter’s Outreach Programs, and represent the Chapter as a board member of the Atlanta Astronomy Club, provided the next board does approve. I believe during the three years we have expanded the chapter substantially and it consists of an active, friendly group of individuals, young and old, that enjoys astronomy and each other’s company, and builds on the experience of those in this hobby for a while. In addition we have created a very active outreach program that is well liked and respected in area schools as well as at the Charlie Elliott’s Outdoor Discovery School. So I am proud to step down as director and leave a healthy and exciting chapter to the next director. I would like to thank Marie and Steven as well as Kenpo for his press releases and Dan and Annette of the program committee for all the help they have given, as well as everyone who has participated in our outreach, or simply has visited us at meetings or at the Jon Wood Observing Field. So let the Chapter grow and keep up the spirit of friendlyness and respect for each other as we go on and reach out to all who share this beautiful hobby with us.
Thanks and Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers
Outgoing Chapter Director