Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Chapter Meeting 2013-06-08

8 June, 2013 (23:09) | Events | By: tramakers

A dinner and a movie meeting this time. We ended up watching a movie about the NASA Stereo mission: 3D Sun. A great short movie about the Sun and how we observe it. John Towne’s monthly presentation “What’s Up” was presented by Jeff Rebitzke, since John was travelling. The chapter decided that for Social Media purpose, it would change its name from “Charlie Elliott Chapter of the Atlanta Astronomy Club” to Charlie Elliott Astronomy”, optionally with the tag line “A chapter of the Atlanta Astronomy Club”. After some announcements and some further discussions off it went to the Jon Wood Field to continue our social discussions. No stars or planets to see this night. It was packed with clouds. A great meeting with about a dozen new faces :-)
Click the image to see the gallery.
Clear skies,
Theo Ramakers