The current gate closure time is 7 p.m. After that time, a code is needed for park entry (& access to the astronomy field).

Charlie Elliott Astronomy monthly Meeting 2014-02-01

1 February, 2014 (19:36) | Events, Presentations | By: tramakers

27 Members and guests attended a great meeting. The feature presentation was deliverd by Dr. James Sowell from Georgia Tech. on “The Aloah Telescope”. A telescope program available to schools for remote observing the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn using a remote telescope in Hawaii. Steve Siedentop presented John Towne’s monthly “What’s Up” for February. Click here for his the February target list. Theo Ramakers gave an update on the Outreach program but the award ceremony had to be postponed because the pins were delayed probably because of the weather. Observing after the meeting had to be cancelled again because of the clouds. Click the thumbnail to go to the gallery.