The current gate closure time is 7 p.m. After that time, a code is needed for park entry (& access to the astronomy field).

Date: April 5th, 2015

CEA March 2015 Meeting & Potluck

5 April, 2015 (12:07) | Meeting Minutes | By: sdsiedentop

Steve Siedentop started the meeting promptly at 4:30 p.m.  Observing Supervisor John Towne was not in attendance due to work commitments, but made his presentation and target list available for download on  Jack Fitzmier extolled the virtues of the Astronomical League’s observing plans and presented awards.  Valerie Whalen gave an update on the state of outreach and asked for volunteers for two upcoming events.  Shortly thereafter, members and guests in attendance enjoyed good food and good company while Jack gave a book review.  Steve Siedentop announced that the next meeting would be April 18th, 2015 at 5 pm.  Thirty-four members and guests were in attendance.