Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

2008 Chapter Outreach Events

  • 2008-11-17 Alcovy High School, Covington, GA
    Chapters members Stephen Ramsden and Theo Ramakers showed over 100 students and faculty the sun in visible color and through H-alpha filters. Before observing the sun, each group listened to a short general overview of the workings of the sun and stars in general. They than took turns looking at the sun through 5 solar scopes. Two scopes showing the sun in visible light and three H-alpha filtered scopes.
    We would like to extend a special thank you to doctor Asherrie Yisrael (EdD), who is a science teacher at Alcovy High for giving us the opportunity to show the beauty of our sun to so many young students. Click here to take a look at the different groups as they came through in the 3 hour session.
  • 2008-11-06 Covington Library event
    Chapters members Debbie and Clevis Jones as well as Theo Ramakers showed approx. 16 youngsters and parents the moon and Jupiter with its moons. Following a general presentation in the meeting room of the library, it went outside where Clevis gave a general overview of the night sky. Following alignment of the scopes, the participants were able to see Jupiter, its moons and several features of our own moon. This included well known crates and valleys as well as the Straight Wall or Rupes Recta. a 68 mile long feature in the south east of Mare Nubium which looks like a sword and which you could mistake for a “hair” on the eye piece. We again forgot to take some picures until the very end when most had left.
  • 2008-10-22 Atlanta’s “The Children’s School” at Charlie Elliott
    Chapters members Jon Wood and Theo Ramakers showed approx. 24 students and teachers some treasures of the Universe in a cloudy sky. Following some story telling by Jon about the old greeks and their explanation of some of the constellations, the students got to see some double stars, star clusters, the Andromeda gallaxie and nebulas. Finally, when the clouds moved far enough they could take a peak at Jupiter and its moons and seeing the expanse of the Milky Way made every one appreciate the beauty of the sky. I believe we sparked some interest in astronomy with these kids. Congratulations to the school and teachers for a group of well-behaved and knowledge hungry students.
  • 2008-09-25 Charlie Elliott’s Residential Curriculum Workshop
    Chapters members Stephen Ramsden and Theo Ramakers showed approx.
    10 teachers and Charlie Elliott personnel the sun. In addition Stephen explained what they were going to see through the H-alpha, Calcium and visual light filters. The sunspots which were visible earlier in the week had disappeared, but a very nice flare was visble extending accross the edge of the disk to a hight of approx. 5 times the size of the earth! A discussion followed, and we did encourage the teachers to call on us if they were interested to give their students a chance to see the sun, or the night sky at their schools.
  • Charlie Elliott Summer Camp 2008 – Group 2, July 23, 2008
    Our second participation with astronomy programs was on July 23rd for the second group. In the morning Stephen Ramsden and Theo Ramakers provided views of the sun through a visible color filter as well as the H-alpha filters of the SolarMax 90 and the PST. The night program included a visit of the inner and outer planets and a movie of the Phoenix landing on Mars and the Cassini mission to Saturn in the visiter center. Outside the clouds had moved in, except for a small opening around Jupiter, so everyone was able to see Jupiter with three moons and a little later 4 moons, when Io’s transit ended. The clouds kept us busy trying to find the best spots to see. A faint M57 could be seen once in a while, and a faint coming and going Alberio also. Despite the adverse cloud conditions, the observing session was well accepted by all!. Click here for images of the event.
  • The Garden Club of Georgia Summer Camp July 20, 2008
    The evening of July 20th, chapters members Jon Wood, Stephen Ramsden, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers showed approx. 16 young and adult campers of the Garden Club of Georgia the Universe at Charlie Elliott. The vistitors who were camping at Charlie Elliott’s camp site, were able to take a first hand look at Saturn, Jupiter, Alberio, M13, M57,and other deepsky objects. After many OOh’s and Ahhhh’s they left but not after having seen the expanse of the Milky Way and the moon which was just rising over the horizon! We took another opportunity to show youngsters and adults the beauty of the Universe at Charlie Elliott WC.
  • Charlie Elliott Summer Camp 2008 – Group 1 July 16, 2008
    Our participation with astronomy programs was on July 16th for the first group. In the morning Stephen Ramsden and Theo Ramakers provided views of the sun through a visible color filter as well as the H-alpha filters of the SolarMax 90 and the PST. The night program included a visit of the inner and outer planets and a movie of the Phoenix landing on Mars and the Cassini mission to Saturn in the visiter center. At the observing field, the kids did get views through telescopes of the moon, Jupiter and its moons, Saturn, M57, Alberio, and other deep sky objects assisted by Clevis Jones, Jon Wood, Jim Honeycutt and Theo Ramakers. Click here for pictures of the event!
  • Newborn Library Group July 9, 2008
    The Chapter organized an event with the Newborn Library for the 6 -12 year old children. Four different telescopes allowed the youngsters to see the sun in visible colors and through an H alpha filter. Following the observations, a we made a presentation inside the Library about the Phoenix landing on Mars and showed a movie about the Cassini mission to Saturn. Thanks to our members StePhen Ramsden, Clevis Jones, and Theo Ramakers for making this a great event!. Thanks to Judy Whitaker for inviting us! Click here to see the pictures of the event.
  • JAKES Day 2008
    The Chapter participated with views of the sun through special telescopes outside Charlie Elliott’s Visitor Center, while inside the center the guests could learn about astronomy. Thanks to our members StePhen Ramsden, Jon Wood, Larry Owens, Clevis and Debbie Jones, Alan and Sally Bolton and Theo Ramakers. See a short movie or a slide show about the event.
  • Space Camp 2008
    Hightower Trail Elementary School’s 4th Grade Space Camp event. Because the weather did not cooperate for looking at the stars and deep sky objects, the chapter members did give presentations explanations in 3 rooms inside the school. See the pictures of the event and a short movie about the Chapter’s participation. Thanks to Clevis and Debbie Jones, Jon Wood, Steven Phillips and Theo Ramakers