Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

2011 Chapter Outreach Events

  • 2011-12-05/06 Astronomy Outreach for Clifton Elementary School
    We had a great outreach event yesterday and today. What originally was scheduled as a Solar event changed to inside presentations for 9 classes of the Clifton Church Elementary School. The students were great, and learned about how telescopes work and what they do to your view when you look through them, they learned about asteroids and spacerocks and finally they took a trip through the solarsystem and learned more about other planets and some of their moons. Thanks Mrs. Foster for inviting us!! Click here for pictures.
  • 2011-11-19 The Night Sky over Panola Mountain State Park
    We went to Panola Mountain State Park for an evening outreach event.  A small but very interested group learned about telescopes, spacerocks and the planets.  Outside they were able to take a look at Jupiter under very challenging cloudy conditions, but everyone saw the planet with its belts and moons.  Click here for pictures.
  • 2011-11-11 The Night Sky for Brownie Troop 4009 at the Park at Emory Grove
    We went to the Park at Emory Grove to show two Brownie troops the night sky. We were limited by the tree line and the light polution. The girls learned the different types of telescopes, about some constellations and how to find the North Star Polaris and got to look at Jupiter with three moons visible, but had to look at the moon as it made its way through the trees. Light polution made it not possible to see the Andromeda Galaxy or some planetary nebulas. However, they came away with knowing a lot more than before. Sorry left the camera in the truck, so no pictures this time.
  • 2011-11-05 “Experience the Universe at Charlie Elliott” for the AOC
    The Atlanta Outdoors Club did visit us for the third year in a row. They attended the Saturn presentation during our meeting and came to the Jon Wood Astronomy Field to observe the night sky. In additon to the AOC we had a number of other visitors. Everyone got to see Jupiter and 4 of its moons, craters on the moon, double stars and planetary nebulas, as well as the Andromeda galaxy. Click here for pictures.
  • 2011-11-01 Astro reach out for the students of the Our Lady of Assumptions Christian School
    We did reach out with a solar and night sky observing program for the students of the Our Lady of Assumptions Christian School, who spend a few days at Charlie Elliott. They learned about the sun and the solarsystem and saw some nice prominences and filaments as well as sunspots at noon. At night they saw Jupiter with 4 moons, some nice lunar views of mares and craters as well as star clusters, double stars, and they saw and learned about how some stars die by observing a planetary nebula. Great Students and teachers! Click here for pictures.
  • 2011-10-26 Our Sun and the Night sky, Childrens School of Atlanta Grp2
    We reached out with a Solar event as well as evening activities in the VC and observing on the Jon Wood Field to the students of the Children School of Atlanta. The sun was beautiful today with a huge prominence at the SW limb. In the evening they learned about asteroids, how telescopes work and flew through the solar system before going to observe the Nightsky and got to look at Jupiter and three of its moons. Click here for some pictures.
  • 2011-10-18 Observe the Sun, Chamblee Middle School
    Frank and Theo reached out with a Solar event to the students of Chamblee Middle School. The Star party for the night had to be cancelled because of the weather. We had about 225 students take a look at the Sun and learned a little more about our solar system and the sun. The last group arrived a little late and had to contend with the clouds moving in and obscuring the sun. But for most it was a real eye opener. Click here for some pictures.
  • 2011-10-14 and 15 Georgia Department of Education’s STEM Festival
    We did participate with three stations in the GDE’s STEM Festival. Outside we let the students observe the Sun through our Solar Scopes. Inside we explained how to test rocks for meteorites and how astronomers search for asteroids. In addition we showed NASA/JPL presentations about how we research the sun using the Stereo 360 missions and what’s involved in searching for water on Mars. Two very successfull days in which we reached out to over 1000 students. Pictures for Day1, Day2. Thanks to Frank Garner, Marie Lott, Dan Schmitt and Theo Ramakers for making their time available for these students!
  • 2011-10-12 Astronomy for the Children’s School of Atlanta Grp1
    The Solar and night sky observing event ended up being cancelled. However, the evening program went ahead in the Visitors Center. The students learned about the Sun and how earth protects us from radiation.  In addition they learned how scientists track asteroids and near earth objects, and did some research on this themselves. Than they became meteorite hunters . Thanks to  Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers for making their time available for these students!
  • 2011-09-28 Astronomy and Star Party for Harbour Oaks Montessori School
    Because of clouds moving in, the Solar event ended up being cancelled. However, the evening program went ahead in the Visitors Center. The students learned how scientists track asteroids and near earth objects, and did some research on this themselves. Than they became meteorite hunters and finally went on a ride through the Solar system. Than it went out to see all this in real time at the Jon wood Astronomy Field, but the clouds did not cooperate much. The older group who stayed a little longer, was able to see the Ring Nebula, a globular cluster and Jupiter with three moons. Overall, despite the clouds, an very rewarding evening. Thanks to Steve Siedentop, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers for making their time available for these students!
  • 2011-09-24 Star Party for Stone Mountain Middle School
    We did invite the 6th grade of Stone mountain Middle School to a star party at the Jon Wood field at Charlie Elliott. A great group of parents and students drove all the way from Stone Mountain to see the Milky Way with their own eyes. They also saw what star clusters, planetary nebulas, double stars and galaxies look like through a telescope. And than their patience really paid off when they finaly saw Jupiter with its moons as it rose above the tree line of the field. I believe they had a great time looking up!! Sorry, no pics of the event. We didn’t want everyone to loose their night vision using a flash.
  • 2011-09-23 Observe the Sun for Morgan County Middle School, Madison GA
    Frank and Theo did an event for the Astronomy Club and Science Class of Morgan County Middle School. We let them observe the Sun and gave an in classroom presentation about the Solar system, focussing mostly on Mars and its Moons. We also discussed the Mars mission NASA is planning to launch this year after ThanksgivingClick here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-09-21 The Solar System outreach for George Walton Academy, Monroe, GA
    55 Minute presentations to 3 highschool astronomy classes and a shorter presentation for a physics class. Using our tools we reviewed why we have seasons on earth, why sometimes we can see the rings on Saturn very big and sometimes we don’t see them at all, how to pick real meteorites out of a pile of rocks, and we also took a ride through the solar System and did visit a number of planets and their moons. The students learned why you cannot see the marsian moons from every location on Mars and why the two moons seem to travel in different directions. They also became very familiar with the Mars Lander Phoenix, and learned about the Mars Scientific Labratory Curiosity which which is planned to be launched right after Thanksgiving. A great event for some very interested Students. Click here for some pictures of the event.
  • 2011-09-16 Observe the Sun for Stone Mountain Middle School, Stone Mountain
    Thanks Marie, Dan and Theo for working the outreach program for the Stone Mountain Middle School. We had planned some inside presentations as well as observing the sun through our solar scopes, but the clouds did not open up. So, the 400 6th grade students learned in the Media Center about our Sun and how NASA studies our nearest Star. They than went on a ride through the Solar system and took a much closer look at the planets and some it its moons. Great Students! Very good questions!!
    Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-07-20 The Outdoors Sports Camp , Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield
    Two events today for the participants of the The Outdoors Sports Camp at Charlie Elliott. At noon a solar event, and in the evening activities in the Visitor Center from scope building to astroid and meteorite hunting. The weather conditions prevented us from the observing part of the evening. Thanks Frank, Marie and Theo for stepping up to show these kids what astronomy is about. Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-07-13 The Girls of the Great Outdoors, Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield
    We did two events for the participants of the The Girls of the Great Outdoors Camp at Charlie Elliott. At noon a solar event, and in the evening activities in the Visitor Center from scope building to astroid and meteorite hunting. The weather conditions prevented us from the observing part of the evening. The girls really enjoyed all phases of what we did. Thanks Frank, Marie and Theo for stepping up to show these kids what astronomy is about. Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-07-10 Garden Club of Georgia, Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield
    We reached out to the campers of the Garden Club of Georgia at Charlie Elliott’s Jon Wood Field. 20 Children and adults waited very patiently for clouds to slowly move through, but were rewarded with views of the Moon with some awesome closeups, Saturn, its rings and moon Enceladus and the double star Mizar. Too much light polution caused by the moon and thin clouds to see nebulas. Thanks Marie, Frank, and Theo. Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-06-29 Wildlife Week, Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield
    We did two events for the participants of the Wildlife Week Camp at Charlie Elliott. At noon a solar event, and in the evening activities in the Visitor Center from scope building to astroid and meteorite hunting, followed by observing of the night sky at Charlie Elliott’s Jon Wood Field. The kids really enjoyed all phases of what we did. Thanks Frank, Marie and Theo for stepping up to show these kids what astronomy is about. Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-06-23 Girl Scouts at Elks Aidmore Childrens Home, Conyers
    This was supposed to be a solar event, but clouds changed it into astronomy. 50 Girlscouts in ages up to middle school learned about the Sun, relative distances in the solar System and a little about asteroids. They also learned about telescopes and looked at our artificial moon and star and learned what telescopes do to the view of the objects. Some interesting movie clips of coronal mass ejections on the sun closed the program which was much appreciated!! Thanks Frank, Marie and Theo for stepping up despite the clouds. Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-06-22 Outreach for Morgan County Highschool special needs kids
    Frank and Theo went to Hard Labor Creek Park to let a group of special needs kids take a look at the sun in an adhock outreach event on June 22. The group was camping there and they really liked looking at the sun through solar glasses provided by Stephen Ramsden’s Charlie Bates Solar Project. Than they looked at the sun with some nice sunspots through a white light scope, and proms and filaments in H-alpha. Click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-06-18 Arts and Science workshops – Life Labs
    Frank and Theo spend Saturday June 18 at the Arts and Science Workshops at Norcross High school. A very well organized event by Life Labs. Our worshops centered around the Sun, Space Weather, the Stereo and SDO observatory satellites, and the search for exoplanets. Some of these kids were fantastic!! In fact, the session we had with one of them made this trip already worthwile. :-)
  • 2011-06-15 and 16 Cub Scouts of Fayette county
    We reached out for a two day event to over 320 Cub Scouts and 60 parents from Fayette County at their summer camp at the Providence United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. They learned how telescopes work, and got some more insight about the sun and the stereo satellites, as well as the relative distances in our solar system. They also learned how astronomers discover and track asteroids. In addition to the presentations they saw the sun through our telescopes with some awesome prominances and a number of sun spots. click here for some images of the events.
  • 2011-05-18 and 19 Excellent Montessori, at Charlie Elliott
    We reached out for two events to the Excellent Montessori in Lilburn during their visit at Charlie Elliott. The first evening we showed them how telescopes work, and gave some more insight about our solar system and the sun. After the presentation they saw Saturn with some of its moons, but the moon rose too late to see the craters on the moon and too may clouds prevented from seeing galaxies or nebulas. The second day they saw the sun with some awesome prominances and two sun spots
    click here for some images of the events.
  • 2011-05-14 JAKES Day, at Charlie Elliott
    Today we did JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott. The first two hours were really slow, maybe because it was cloudy. But after noon when the clouds started to break, it started picking up. We probably showed about 60 visitors the Sun through 5 scopes and inside the Visitors Center some of them learned about the Sun and NASA’s Stereo 360 satellites and the Stardust Mission. I believe that some of them will return to one of our meetings/observing sessions. Thanks to Marie Lott, Tim Geib, Chris, Debbie and Jasmin Tisdale as well as Theo for participating in this outreach. Click here for pictures of the event.
    click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-05-11 Yargo Elementary at The Outdoor Discovery School, at CE
    We hosted a solar event as well as an evening event for the Yargo Elementary school. The students saw the Sun and learned about our Sun and NASA’s Stereo 360 mission and at night they learned that all stars you see at night belong to the Milky Way. They also learned how to find the North Star, and through the scopes they saw a closeup of the moon and Saturn with a few of its moons. Thanks Frank, Stephen and Theo to let these students “Experience the Universe at CE”click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-05-02, 04 and 05 Memorial Middle School, Conyers, GA
    The chapter went to Memorial Middle School on Monday, to let four 6th grade classes learn more about, and take a look, at the Sun. 20 Minutes of in classroom presentations about NASA’s Stereo 360 mission were followed by 20 minutes of observing the sun with sunspots, prominances and filaments through our solar scopes. On Wednesday two more clases and a special education class got the same treatment. On Thursday they went back to do the same for 4 more 6th grade classes. In addition, a math clas showed interest and saw the same. Very rewarding week for us and the students at Memorial Middle. Special thanks to Mrs. Peters and Schrader for asking us to reach out to their school! For pictures click here and here.
  • 2011-04-30 “Solar Event” at Anna Ruby Falls, Helen GA
    this event was cancelled in March because of the weather and rescheduled for the last day in April A beautiful day for solar observing and 350+ people took advantage to learn more about, and take a closer look at our Sun through our Solar Scopes. Thanks to David Carswell for inviting us and thanks to all members who attended and click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-04-15 “Space Camp” at Hightower Trail Elementary School, Conyers
    We had to cancel the observing part of Space Camp because of weather, but Frank and Theo participated in the rotation program with explaining telescopes and NASA’s Mars missions. Thanks to Mrs. Gretchen Gault for asking us to come!! and click here for some images of the event.
  • 2011-04-09 and 14th “Outreach in Social Circle” at the Social Circle Library
    Frank and Theo reached out to their local community at the Social Circle Library. On Saturday morning, April 9th they offered a solar program including solar observing and a presentation about NASA’s Stereo mission. On Thursday evening it was an evening program, and the attendees learned about unusual images. And after the presentation, because it was still light, they offered the attendees a look at the features of the moon through a telescope. Thanks to all that attended and to Norma Reed for inviting us.
  • 2011-03-12 “Observing at Night” for the Solid Rock Babtist Church, Covington
    Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers showed a group of 16 year old girls and boys the night sky during a church outing for these kids. They were able to see the Moon, Saturn, the Orion nebula, open clusters and even two galaxies and also learned how they could find North in the dark night skies.
  • 2011-03-11 “Astronomy Night” at Summerour Middle School, Norcross
    We finished another event today for about 250 students and parents at Summerour Middle school in Norcross. Inside presentations made them familiar what goes on in NASA’s control room during a landing of a Mars lander and what these missions try to accomplish and how they do it. Outside they all could take a look at a number of celestial bodies such as the moon, saturn, the Orion nebula, open clusters and some prominent (double) stars. Thanks to Mrs. Marjorie Veasey for inviting us to participate again this year.
  • 2011-02-24 “Exploring the Sun” at Puckett’s Mill Elementary School, Dacula
    We did a combined event for the 4th graders at Puckett’s Mill, and one 2nd grade class, a total of about 250 students, parents and teachers. They got to learn about rhe Sun, NASA’s Stereo mission, and about half of the group was able to look at the Sun with a nice solar flare through our Solar Scope. Unfortunaltely the clouds did not cooperate and blocked the sun for the first 2 hours of the event and after 2:00 P.M. We are looking forward to the Science Night event at Puckett’s Mill in four weeks!! Thanks to Mrs. Mary Tharp for asking us to come!! Click here for some pictures
  • 2011-02-14 and 15 “Exploring the Sun” for Hightower Trail elementary School, Conyers
    We just finished a two day event for about 150 students, parents and teachers to look at the sun with 5 groups of sun spots and learn about NASA’s Stereo-360 satellites. We are looking forward to the Space Camp event at Hightower in April!! Thanks to Mrs. Gretchen Gault for asking us to come!!
  • 2011-02-11 “Exploring the Sun” for Summerour Middle School, Norcross
    We finished another event today and let about 85 6th grade students at Summerour Middle school in Norcross look at the sun and gave a presentation about the NASA’s Stereo-360 satellites. These students were real sharp and it was a real pleasure being able to work with them in this project. We are looking forward to the Astronomy Night event at Summerour next month!! Thanks to Mrs. Stephany Cooper for asking us to come!! Click here for some pictures
  • 2011-02-08 Exploring the Sun for Ficquett Elementary School, Covington”
    We returned to Ficquett Elementary to let the students take a look at the sun and give them a feeling of the very big distances in the solarsystem: Click here for some pictures
  • 2011-02-01/02/03 Ficquett Elementary School, Covington”
    We returned to Ficquett Elementary this year with presentations for the entire 4th grade. (5 classes, over 100 students) We presented three days and let the students build a telescope, flew through the Solarsystem and looked at planets and their moons, and discussed the issues with sending and landing a spacecraft on Mars, as well as how the scientific anaysis by the spacecraft is done. Great Students and teachers!! Click the dates for pictures of the respective sessions: 2011-02-01, 2011-02-02, 2011-02-03
  • 2011-01-19 Hopewell middle School, Alpharetta “First Light”
    This was a follow up outreach event. The students build three Newtonian Telescopes a few months back. Tonight they learned how they work in the field. After a briefing they setup the scopes themselves, knowing how to level the tripots, point the scope to North and how to set the elevation to the correct degrees. Great Students!! Unfortunately the clouds were supposed to break up at 6:00, but the never did. So we will be back when they take a look at the first night sky objects. Great Job Students!! Click here for some pictures
  • 2011-01-07 Monroe Area High School “Experience the Universe at Charlie Elliott”
    Monroe Area High School did visit our meeting and observing session. During the meting, they received an 8″ Newtonian Telescope donated by Lunt Solar Telescopes through Stephen Ramsden’s Charlie Bates’ Solar Astronomy Project. The students learned about Meteorites and on the field they observed Jupiter and saw how its moon’s location changed during the session. They got a view of global and open star clusters, double stars, planetary nebulas and not to forget the orion nebula. In addition, they watched as two members imaged a planetary image and a narrow band image. They very much appreciated the visit. Click here for some pictures