Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

2014 Chapter Outreach Events

  • 2014-05-19 and 20 Veteran Memorial Middle School, Covington GA.
    We went for two days to Veteran Memorial Middle School in Covington. Inside they learned how little energy it takes to overcome the gravity of the Moons of Mars or asteroids. They learned how telescopes work and they actually build one on a stick. Outside they were able to observe the Sun and draw it on papers as scientists used to do :-) and learned about the relative size of planets and distances in the Solar system Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-05-12, 13, and 14 Trickum Middle School.
    We were asked to bring astronomy to all the 6 grade classes of Trickum Middle, all 24 of them! During this 3 day event, a total of over 660 students learned about the effects of gravity on different objects in space such as planets, their moons and asteroids. Outside they observed the Sun and learned about the relative size and distances between the planets and the Sun. This was their, as Mr. Patterson said: Their “Most favorite program of the year”. Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-05-10 JAKES Day 2014 at CEWC.
    We are always at JAKES Day, rain or shine! The sky was covered with a thin layer of clouds, but one could see the Sun. So most visitors observed the Sun through a thin layered cloud deck, while sometimes they could see the clouds tracking in front of them. Inside they learned how telescopes work and how you can determine if a rock came from earth of if itcame from Space! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-05-07 Back to Grayson’s McConnell Middle School.
    It went back to Grayson for another astronomy program at McConnell Middle School. The 6th graders went on a trip through the Solar System and learned about our neighboring planets and how gravity affects you on different space objects. Outside they observed the Sun through Ha scopes white light scopes. Great Science teachers and students ! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-05-05 Excellent Montessori @ the Outdoor Discovery School.
    We reached out again to this school at CEWC where they visited the Outdoors Discovery School. We helped them to create a model of the distances in the Solar system and let them see how telescopes work. Outside they observed the Moon and saw Jupiter with 4 of its moons as well as Mars and learned how to find North based on the the Big Dipper! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-04-26 Sharon’s Shenaningans.
    We had a blast doing solar outreach at the Sharon Shenanigans. Frank Garner, Erik Benner & Marie Lott had 4 solar scopes going all day, sharing the sun with about 800 people in Sharon, GA (a town with a population of 105, so quite a turn out!). It was a beautiful spring day filled with sunspots & proms, great BBQ, pecan pie & sounds of homegrown music – tons of fun! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-04-25 The Night Sky over Hard Labor Creek State Park.
    Van Macatee, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went to HLC to let visitors see what’s in the sky at night in April. It was a great night and the very interested visitors had a chance to see Jupiter and the four Jovian moons, Mars, double stars a number fo galaxies, and open and globular clusters
  • 2014-04-25 Memorial Middle School.
    Our 5th annual return to Memeorial Middle School to teach the students about astronomy. Broken clouds forced us to focus on inside presentations about the Solar system, visiting the planets, and specifically about Mars, gravity, and the rover Curiosity Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-04-19 Kate’s Club @ CEWC.
    Kate’s Club brought 65+ Atlanta childrend to CEWC for outside activities at a cloudy and rainy day. Despite this they learned about space rocks and made a scale model of the Solar system, the activity on the Sun and where how other planets and stars compare to our moon. Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-04-17 Trip Elementary Family STEM Night.
    900+ Students and parents attended the event and many took the oportunity to look at the Sun through our scopes. Inside they learned about Mars and the Rover Curiosity and how scientists study what rocks and sand on Mars are made up of. Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-04-16 Hard Labor Creek Home Schoolers.
    A number of home schooling parents with their children wanted to learn more about our Sun. They learned what the Sun is made up of, how the sun generates energy, and how the energy makes its way to the surface of the sun and can create Solar storms. They learned why sunspots look dark even though they are 6000 degrees. They observed some nice prominences on the Sun and there were a nice number of Sun spots to see and a few of the students did even take the time to draw what they saw . Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-04-12 The Sun over Anna Ruby Falls Solar Event.
    Our fifth year of bringing Solar Observing to Anna Ruby Falls. Even if 25% of the visitors did not pass through our area, over 850 individuals took a look at the Sun and learned a lot about what happens on our Star. They also learned about solar storms and how small our Earth is and how far we are away in our orbit around the Sun. A great event for young and old. They all enjoyed it very much Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-27 Pucketts Mill Elementary Solar Event.
    The students learned how we get the energy from the sun and in what forms this comes. They learned about how the magnetic field shields us from a lot of bad emissions and how Solar storms contribute to be able to see Northern Lights, and they also detected the UV light that changed the color of their beads. They observed the sun through H-alpha filtered scopes and white light and learned why sunspots look dark even though they are 6000 degrees. Some movies gave a good understanding of what happens on and in the sun. The last group also got to see Venus in bright daylight and explained why it looks like half of a moon. Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-26 Sunspots, proms, flying arrows and flames @ JWF.
    Sunspots, proms, flying arrows & flames – what a day! Frank Garner & Marie Lott led a memorable and fun event on March 26th on Jon Wood Field with 60 college students from Berkeley and Arkansas. Who knew that college students would travel cross-country to spend their spring break at Charlie Elliott? Adding to the fun was the fact that we shared the field with an archery activity, complete with moving targets!. Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-20 Crooked Pines Farm Family campout, Eatonton.
    The skies were cloudy at first, but they gave way to some thin high cirrus clouds and we were able to show them Jupiter and its moons, Orion and the Orion Nebula and a number of clusters. They also liked the double Mizar and learned how to find North with the stars. They really enjoyed learning about the Universe and even the little girl, who was asked what she saw after looking at Jupiter, said “I saw a planet” :-) . Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-20 Oxford College Solar Outreach.
    We joined a group of students from OXford College for an outdoor Solar session. We showed them the Sun through H-a and white light scopes and showed them how we capture images of the Sun. A great session with some very interested students. Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-18 Peachtree Academy High School @ CEWC.
    Because of the cloudy weather the observing at the Jon Wood Field had to cancelled and instead, we gave some inside presentations. The high school students took a flight through the Solar System and learned a lot about gravity on different space objects and why it is dangerous to run fast on the moon Deimos. They learned about how we study our neighbor Mars and what it takes to take Curiosity from Earth to Mars. A variety of other topics made this a well received session despite the clouds Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-11 & 12 The Sun over Trip Elementary School in Grayson
    Jon Edwards, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers brought the Solar System a little closer to 120 students and teachers of Trip Elementary. Inside the visitors learned more about NASA’s MSL mission and how NASA’s Curiosity Rover knows where to drive on our neighbor planet. Outside they learned about the size of the Solar system and took a look at the Sun and Venus!! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-03-07 Summerour Middle School Astronomy Night
    Valorie Whalen, Marie Lott, David Whalen, Charlie Cottingham, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers showed about 100 students and their parents with 6 telescopes the beauty of the night sky including Jupiter with a transit of Io. Inside the visitors learned more about NASA’s MSL mission and how NASA’s Curiosity Rover knows where to drive on our neighbor planet. A great School with a dedication towards Astronomy!! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-02-06 Pucketts Mill Elementary Science/Tech Night 2014-02-06
    We went back for the 5th year for Pucketts Mill’s Science night. Cloudy skies prevented us from showing the night sky, but the students learned how telescopes work and how NASA’s Curiosity Rover knows where to drive on our neighbor planet. A great School with a great program!! Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-01-17 Space Camp @ Hightower Trail
    Eight CEA members went to Hightower Trail to help them celebrate their 10th Space Camp. 9 Telescopes showed the students some real nice features of the night sky including M42, and Jupiter and its jovian moons. Inside they learned about Mars and the effect of gravity as well as the MSL rover Curiosity Click here for some pictures
  • 2014-01-16 STEM outreach for Henderson Mill Elementary
    Marie Lott, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went to Henderson Mill Elementary where they had their first official STEM night after being STEM certified by the State. Theo did a presentation about Mars and Curiosity and outside we showed the students and parents Jupiter and its Jovian moons. Click here for some pictures