Twin Falls

by rmajor



Twin Falls is located about 15 miles north of Pickens, SC. I had been there a few years ago, but wasn’t satisfied with the pictures I took, mainly because there wasn’t much water flowing over the falls that day. I decided I would return some nice spring day after a recent heavy rain. It was worth the wait.




My first indication that there was indeed plenty of water flow came from how much noise the water was making going through the smaller cascades in the creek below the falls. It was a quarter mile hike to the falls, so there was a little time for the excitement to build.






I found this vertical slab of rock rather interesting.




This tree appeared to be crawling across a rock.






The trail got narrower as I neared the falls. I’ve hiked narrower, but the wetness of the ground and rocks told me I needed to watch my step.




A final obstruction came in the form of a tree which had fallen across the ramp leading to the observing platform.




All obstacles cleared and the platform reached, I was able to see Twin Falls in all its glory. The main fall, on the left, is a 75 foot drop. The section on the right cascades across the rocks at about a 45 degree angle. With all the water that was flowing that day, it was a spectacular sight.




I was joined on the observing platform by a couple of other hikers, Ed and Diane. They told me they had been there a few times before, and had never seen so much water flowing over the falls. It was nice to hear such confirmation that I had indeed picked a good day to go. I took an immediate liking to these folks, and we talked a bit about some of the other nice places to hike we had seen. Maybe someday we’ll meet again on some other beautiful trail.


For anyone wanting to go to these falls, directions are here:

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