Amicalola Falls

by rmajor


 This is Amicalola Falls. It’s one of my favorite places to go hiking. At 729 feet, Amicalola Falls is the tallest waterfall east of the Rockies. Climbing to the top of this waterfall involves hiking a 1 mile trail from the Visitors Center to the base of the falls and then climbing a 604 step staircase.



 This is a section of the staircase. I was inspired to climb this waterfall by a program the Georgia State Park System has called the Canyon Climbers Club. Climbing certain designated canyons in the park system earns one a T-shirt and some serious bragging rights.



 Another view of the falls.



 One of the joys of hiking is seeing beautiful wildflowers, such as these flaming azaleas.



 And after successfully climbing the stairs, I was rewarded with this view from the top of the falls.

One Response to “Amicalola Falls”

  1. [...] Climbers Club Challenge was Cloudland Canyon. I had actually been here a few days before climbing Amicalola Falls, but chose not to attempt the descent into the canyon due to threatening weather conditions. [...]