Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Today/night at Charlie Elliott with the ISS

28 November, 2009 (13:39) | Observing | By: tramakers

Last night Frank Garner and I decided on short notice to witness the ISS flyby at CE. The first flyby happend at 5:30 in the Eastern sky. The second at 7:07 in the Western sky. Not as nice as the flybys of the ISS and the Shuttle of a few days ago, but as always very nice!

Stephen Ramsden has send an email that he will be at CE for solar and evening observing at CE. So if you want to join him and also see, or image, another pass of the ISS, Stephen should be there! The ISS pass for tonight:
Appears 17h50m08s 0.2mag az:313.8° NW horizon
Culmination 17h55m01s -4.5mag az: 43.8° NE h:84.9°
distance: 347.9km height above Earth: 346.8km elevation of sun: -6°
Disappears 17h59m54s -0.7mag az:133.6° SE horizon
Good hunting!!
Theo Ramakers