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Fayette Montessori of Fayetteville at Charlie Elliott

29 April, 2010 (07:53) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did 2 events at the Outdoor Discovery School at Charlie Elliott for the Fayette Montessori school of Fayetteville, GA. At noon Marie Lott, Stephen Ramsden, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers gave the students a chance to see the sun through 5 solar scopes in visble light, H-alpha filters as well as Calcium-K. SunInCal-KThey also got a feel for the distances from earth to the moon and the sun in relation to each other. The second phase in the evening Theo and Frank took them on a ride through the solar system to vist some planets and some of their moons and they learned that not all moons are round. At Jon Wood Observing field they got a chance to see with their own eyes the rings of Saturn and its moons Tethys and Enceladus as well as Venus, Mars, the Orion Nebula, some constellations and a beautiful rising full moon! Click here for some pictures. Click here for some images of the event (click the thumbnail for the full sized picture).