Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting reminder for Saturday Sept. 11

6 September, 2010 (21:12) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

This is a reminder for our next Chapter meeting this coming Saturday September 11 at the Charlie Elliott Visitor Center at 5:00 P.M. This is a “(Potluck) Dinner and Movie” meeting. The movie we will be watching is “New Horizons”. This is a NASA movie about the mission to Pluto and beyond. Please see our home page for more details. We also expect a number of students and their parents from the Stone Mountain Middle School at the observing session after the meeting. So bring out your scope and let the kids see the night sky.

Our dinner menu so far:
Vegitarian Chili – Romaine and Theo Ramakers (for you Alesia :-)

Let me know the potluck dinner item you will be bringing, so I can keep an updated list going here of what you can expect to eat.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers