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Outreach event for Harbour Oaks Montessori School

28 September, 2011 (23:46) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank and Theo were ready for solar outreach for the Harbour Oaks Students, but when they drove south of the I-20 it became pretty quick clear that there was no sun on our side of the clouds. :-( So the Solar event ended up being cancelled.
The evening program however went ahead in the Visitors Center. The students learned how scientists track asteroids and near earth objects, and did some research on this themselves. Than they became meteorite hunters and finally went on a ride through the Solar system. Than it went out to see all this in real time at the Jon wood Astronomy Field, but the clouds did not cooperate much. The older group who stayed a little longer, was able to see the Ring Nebula, a globular cluster and Jupiter with three moons. Overall, despite the clouds, an very rewarding evening.  Thanks to Steve Siedentop, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers for making their time available for these students!
