Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Image of the Month for Lesley Edwards

8 January, 2012 (19:59) | Imaging, Outreach | By: tramakers

Following the imaging session with Thomas Whalen, Lesley Edwards and her dad did visit my observatory to learn how to image the sun. Lesley is 11 years and attends 5th grade at Grayson Elementary. Lesley went also through a 3 hour session and was explained how we do it. What software is used, what controls we use and how. Than we opened the roof of the observatory and Lesley lined up and centered the sun in the scope from the park position, connected the camera, loaded and setup the capture program and brought the sun on the chip. She than set the controls of the camera, set the limits, spend her time on focussing the image and than ran the required frames. Following the capture session we continued the training inside with processing, Registax and Photoshop. She had a good grasp of what happened in the different stages and you all can see she did a great job. To finish it off, she uploaded the image that she produced to her gallery on our website. Gratulations to Lesley Edwards for her Charlie Elliott Picture of the Month!