The current gate closure time is 7 p.m. After that time, a code is needed for park entry (& access to the astronomy field).

Solar Outreach for Morgan County Middle School 2013-09-30

30 September, 2013 (20:27) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went again to Madison this year to let the Astronomy Club of the Morgan County Middle School take a look at the sun and learn about what happens there.  Theo did a presentation about the Stereo satellites and discussed what and how we study the Sun.  Then it went outside and the students looked at the Sun through eclipse glasses and our Solar Scopes.  They just missed a giant prominence which disappeared during the time we setup and the program began.  However, I was able to capture a quick image.  click the image below to go to the gallery.