The current gate closure time is 7 p.m. After that time, a code is needed for park entry (& access to the astronomy field).

CEA Monthly meeting and Observing

3 March, 2014 (17:53) | Events, Presentations | By: tramakers

53 Members and guests attended a great March Potluck dinner meeting. After some opening remarks by Steve Siedentop, CEA’s Director, Jack Fitzmier gave a short book review of Jim Sowell’s book “The Naked Eye Sky” which was donated by the Camera Bug. A repeat presentation of the “Big-O” 16″ telescope reconstruction project was given by Larry Owens. A tremedous effort! Thanks Larry for getting this scope back in use for our CEA members and visitors! Theo Ramakers followed with a short presentation to remind recent members who Jon Wood was, how he inspired so many, and how basically he was responsible for the large outreach efforts in the Atlanta area. Next was the NSN award presentation for those who participated in CEA’s outreach in 2013 (See seperate post), and those who participated in 5 or more events also received the NSN Keppler Dark field Pin. Theo announced the last donation to CEA by Larry Owens: a 10″ Meade LX50. This scope will come in very handy in our outreach at the field. John Towne followed with his always interesting and well prepared “What’s Up” for March. After the meeting it went to the Jon Wood Field for the dedication ceremony of the new CEA Scope Building and the revealing of the 16″ scopes. Members and guests were in awe about the crisp image the scope gave of Jupiter and M42 and Larry and Theo made the “First Light image of the scope at the Jon Wood Field.