The current gate closure time is 7 p.m. After that time, a code is needed for park entry (& access to the astronomy field).

Crooked Pines Farm Family Campout 2014-03-21

21 March, 2014 (18:22) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We reached out to a number of families who were camping out at the Crooket Pines Farm in Eatonton. The skies were cloudy at first, but they gave way to some thin high cirrus clous and we were able to show them Jupiter and its moons, orion and the orion nebula and a number of clusters. They also liked the double Mizar and learned how to find North with the stars. They really enjoyed learning about the Universe and even the little girl, who was asked what she saw after looking at Jupiter, said “I saw a planet :-)