Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Image of the Month!

30 July, 2014 (15:11) | Astronomy, Imaging | By: sdsiedentop

I am pleased to announce that Joey Hazan’s Milky Way widefield image from July 26th has been selected as the Image of the Month for August 2014!  Joey used a Canon T3i at ISO 1600 with a 20 second exposure.  This single exposure image was taken on Jon Wood Astronomy Field during the Observing session after the July 26th meeting under some of the clearest skies we’ve seen in several months.  Many of you will recognize Joey as he’s been a frequent visitor to Charlie Elliott events.  Joey formally joined Charlie Elliott Astronomy in June and we’re looking forward to his involvement in chapter activities and events.  Nice work, Joey!