Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Astronomy

East Newton Elem. Outreach 2014-09-18

19 September, 2014 (09:20) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We went to East Newton Elementary and because of the clouds we started with inside presentations. We took them on a trip through the Solar System while discussing how astronauts would be effected by the gravity of other planets e.g. Mars and some of their moons or asteroids. Than they went on to hunt for asteroids and learned about the properties of Meteorites. When we finshed the Sun came out, and we routed all classes again to let the Students take a look at the Sun through our solar scopes. A great event and they will be back on Saturday evening to look through our telescopes at the night sky.
Thanks Frank and Theo for giving these students a great time.
Click the image below to link to the gallery for the event.

Image of the Month!

25 August, 2014 (11:18) | Astronomy, Deep Sky Objects, Imaging | By: sdsiedentop

I am pleased to announce that Van Macatee’s image of Messier 16, the Eagle Nebula, has been selected as the Charlie Elliott Astronomy September Image of the Month!  Van used a modified Canon T3i, an Explore Scientific ED80, and an Orion Sirius mount.  Van used BackyardEOS to capture the image data and PixInsight for post-processing.  Van has been a member for about a year and a half and is currently serving as Secretary for Charlie Elliott Astronomy.  Nice work, Van!

Image of the Month!

30 July, 2014 (15:11) | Astronomy, Imaging | By: sdsiedentop

I am pleased to announce that Joey Hazan’s Milky Way widefield image from July 26th has been selected as the Image of the Month for August 2014!  Joey used a Canon T3i at ISO 1600 with a 20 second exposure.  This single exposure image was taken on Jon Wood Astronomy Field during the Observing session after the July 26th meeting under some of the clearest skies we’ve seen in several months.  Many of you will recognize Joey as he’s been a frequent visitor to Charlie Elliott events.  Joey formally joined Charlie Elliott Astronomy in June and we’re looking forward to his involvement in chapter activities and events.  Nice work, Joey!

July Meeting and Observing

29 July, 2014 (18:16) | Astronomy, Events, Meeting Minutes, Presentations | By: sdsiedentop

This month’s meeting was held at the Charlie Elliott Conference Center in Conference Room A.  Fifty-one members and visitors attended the meeting.

Steve Siedentop, Chapter Director, convened the gathering by introducing himself and John Towne (Chapter Observing Supervisor) began the monthly ‘What’s Up’ presentation.  After covering a few choice conjunctions and meteor showers, John discussed the Charlie Elliott July Target list, which the following targets in Sagittarius:  M17, M25, M20, M8, M54, and M70.  The Charlie Elliott Astronomy Challenge Object for this month was NGC6822, Barnard’s Galaxy.

Handouts were available to all attendees.  The What’s Up! presentation and handout are also available for download:

What’s Up! Presentation
Charlie Elliott Astronomy Target List

This month’s feature presenter, Dr. Rachel Kuzio de Naray from Georgia State University, was introduced by Steve.  Dr. Kuzio delivered an engaging presentation providing an overview of her research on dark matter.

Steve dismissed the meeting by inviting all to the Jon Wood Observing Field.

Approximately 75 members and visitors enjoyed observing and imaging on Jon Wood Astronomy Field under spectacularly clear skies until the last few diehards left the field just before 4 a.m.

Photos from the event can be viewed here.

Adventures in Conservation attendees like Astronomy at CE

28 July, 2014 (20:04) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Here is an self explanatory email from Rusty Garisson, the Program Manager at CEWC about our recent outreach:

Theo, Thank you very much for coming out the last two weeks to conduct programs for us at CEWC. I am not sure what you did with the children this last week but you certainly made an impression. We asked a question on the evaluation: “Were there any speakers you would particularly like to see again?” We have 18 different speakers throughout the week but you rated as the top speaker! The next closest was the bat speaker. So, whatever you did, keep it up!
Again, thanks for your assistance.
Rusty Garrison
Program Manager, Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Nongame Conservation Section

Thanks to Dan for coming out and helping me.

KATE’s Club again @ CEWC – 2014-04-19

20 April, 2014 (08:07) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

It was time again for KATE’s Club from Atlanta to come back to CEWC for a day of activities. A cloudy and rainy day, so we had to revert back to inside astronomical activities for the 65 teens, childrens and chaperones. However it worked out very well. some groups made scale models of the Solar system while the smaller once learned that almost all energy comes from the Sun. They learned about space rocks and hunted for Asteroids and identified Meteorites. They looked at some clips from activity on the sun and learned how big stars can get and compare them to the size of our moon and Earth. A great day again. Thanks Frank, Shelby and Theo for being part of this event.

January Image of the Month – Orion and Running Man

12 January, 2014 (18:53) | Astronomy | By: tramakers

We have posted our new image of the month for January. Kevin Snedden shows his M42 and Running Man nebula image. Kevin is relative new at CEA but does already real great. Go to his gallery and check out his images and the scope and other “astronomy stuff” he has made himself!! Great job Kevin!

Curiosity and a flight through the Solar System

9 October, 2012 (18:57) | Astronomy, Outreach | By: tramakers

Theo and Frank went to Heard Mixon for presentations on the solar System, the Mars Science Laboratory mission, asteroids and meteorites. The students did great in hunting asteroids and loved the presentation on Curiosity. Because of the clouds, we will be back to let them look at the Sun. Thanks Heard Mixon for inviting us!! Click the thumbnail picture for more pictures.

Charlie Elliott Chapter reaches out to Gwinnett Parks

12 June, 2012 (15:41) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did receive a request from the Gwinnett Parks and Recreation Dept. for help with their summer camps. The first day of their camps was focussed on “Space”. So three Charlie Elliott Chapter members went yesterday to three different Gwinnett Parks and gave the kids a talk or presentation about Space. Jeff included cooking a comet, Theo and Frank included a flight through the Solar System and presented the details of the launch and landing phases of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity. The kids were very hiped up about what they learned. A rainy day, but a great day for reaching out to these kids with astronomy and Space Exploration.

October Charlie Elliott’s Astro image of the Month

25 September, 2011 (13:01) | Astronomy, Imaging | By: tramakers

The coming month’s Image of the month on Charlie Elliott’s landing page is an image made by one of our “relative new” member Steve, Siedentop from Grayson. Steve is not only a very active member and started imaging, he also is active in trying to have the community involved in Astronomy. Great Job Steve!
Theo Ramakers