Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Stone Mountain Park Home School Day 2014-09-26

26 September, 2014 (19:55) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did participate in this year’s Home School Day again at Stone Mountain Park. However, the weather was not good fot it. We intended to show the Sun, discuss and show how telescopes work and give a feel for the relative distances and sizes in the Solar System. Marie, Jim, Frank and Theo only were able to use the solar scopes a few times for very short periods of time. Despite this setback the 150 Students and parents were very impressed with what they learned while looking through our Sope On A Stick, and looking at a to scale Earth through a spotter scope that was located at the right relative distance in its orbit around the Sun. The bad weather kept some students and parents away, but those that came enjoyed our show and learned something while doing it. Click the image below for a few more pictures.