Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Charlie Elliott Astronomy December Meeting & Potluck

9 January, 2015 (09:47) | Meeting Minutes | By: sdsiedentop

Steve Siedentop kicked off the Chapter’s final meeting of 2014 promptly at 3:30 PM with 42 members and guests in attendance.
After opening remarks, the meeting was turned over to Jack Fitzmier who is the chapter’s Astronomical League observing program coordinator.  Jack presented the Hydrogen Alpha observing award to Theo Ramakers and the Messier Binocular award to Steve Siedentop.
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John Towne (Chapter Observing Supervisor) then presented ‘What’s Up’ for this month, which featured the constellation Auriga, and its binary pairs, open clusters and nebulas.   John also highlighted Comet Lovejoy and its winter trek through the skies.
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After loading plates from the potluck diner table, Theo Ramakers then gave an excellent presentation covering tips and material to use at outreach events when it is cloudy. Theo will make his material available to anyone who is interested.  He also handed out newly crafted Pinhole cameras to all who wanted one.
The December meeting is home to our annual Raffle and fundraiser.  Generous vendors including Camera Bug, Explore Scientific, Orion, and Canon donated many fine prizes.
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Unfortunately, the skies were cloudy so no observing after the meeting was cancelled.
The next chapter meeting will be on Jan 17, 2015 at 3:30 in the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center Banquet Hall.  As usual, observing afterwards – weather permitting.