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CEA January 2015 Meeting & Observing

21 January, 2015 (11:31) | Uncategorized | By: sdsiedentop

Steve Siedentop, Chapter Director called the meeting to order.

Steve announced a call for volunteers to judge student science projects at the Fulton County Regional Science Fair on Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Contact AAC President Mark Banks for more information.

Elgin Leary, physics teacher at Grayson High School, discussed stellar formation.  Over 80% of the universe appears to be made up of dark matter and dark energy, both of which we’re still trying to understand.  The reminder is made up of stars of various sizes and temperatures and are found throughout the universe in galaxies and nebula.  Elgin gave an informative and insightful talk and we’re looking forward to more talks in the future!

John Towne, Observing Supervisor, delivered the “What’s Up” presentation.  This month, the feature constellation is Orion.  Jupiter is up all night and Saturn rises early in the morning.  There will be a Mars/Neptune conjunction with .2 degrees of separation on the January 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.   There will also be a triple shadow transit on Jupiter on January 24, 2015 at 1:35 a.m.  The Charlie Elliott Challenge Object for January 2015 is NCG 4236, a barred spiral galaxy in Draco.  Interest in Comet Lovejoy was very high and John presented a timelapse video of the comet created by Steve Siedentop.

After John’s “What’s Up” presentation, John Towne presented David Whalen with an award for completing the Astronomical League’s Binocular Double Star program.  John also presented Marie Lott with an award for completing the Astronomical League’s Stellar Evolution observing program.

Valorie Whalen and Theo Ramakers presented an Outreach Update.  At our last meeting/Raffle, the club raised over $750 that will be used to acquire additional material to support our outreach activities!  Valorie asked for volunteers for upcoming outreach events.  If you are able to volunteer at an upcoming event, please contact Valorie Whalen for details on how you can help.

After the meeting, we all adjourned to the observing field for a decent night under the stars.  After what seemed like months of cloudy weather, it was great to see that all is as it should be in the heavens!

There were 42 people in attendance at the presentation.  There were 53 people, 12 telescopes, and 1 pair of binoculars on Jon Wood Astronomy Field after the presentation.

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