Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Member Challenge

Picture of the Month: M81 and Supernova in M82

4 February, 2014 (14:55) | Imaging, Member Challenge | By: tramakers

Van Macatee captured the Supernova in M82 together with M81 from his driveway in Rutledge GA in the night of January 22-23. It is comprised of 10 subs exposed for 5 minutes each for a total of 200 minutes. All subs were taken at ASA1600. SN2014J is clearly visible in M82. Explore Scientific 80mm APO Triplet, EQ-G Mount, Canon 3Ti, SSAG, Nebulosity, PHD. Processed in Pixinsight.
Thanks Van for letting us use this image as our image of the month!!

Website update and change of feature presentation for the next meeting.

28 July, 2008 (12:57) | Events, Member Challenge | By: tramakers

Thanks everyone for a great meeting last Saturday. Thanks to Fred Buls for a great presentation!! We like more Fred!!!!

We have a change in our Feature Presentation for our next meeting! Dr Richard Schmude Jr. has been so kind to come to CE and give us another talk about Jupiter. As most of you know, Dr Schmude Jr. is the current ALPO Jupiter Section Coordinator and has studied the planet in great detail, partially using information supplied by amateur astronomers as we all are. With Jupiter so close to its opposition, and the current activities on Jupiter, makes this a well placed presentation. Thanks Jim to postponing your presentation!

The website is updated with new meeting info and the pictures of the last meeting. Also the Member Pages Tab have been updated and the new Jack Horkheimer movie for July 28-August 3 has been linked.

We hope that you enjoy the new website. This is the site we want your image for. So go to CE if you have a chance and make an image of the night/evening sky and submit it for our website background challenge!!

Clear Skies and if I don’t see you at one of our events before than, see you on August 30th for our next meeting!


Extension to the Website background Challenge

22 July, 2008 (08:30) | Imaging, Member Challenge | By: tramakers

Since the weather has not been very cooperative over the last three weeks, we are extending the challenge. Please attend the chapter meeting this weekend and use the opportunity after the meeting to make some nice images of the night sky over Charlie Elliott and to submit the images for consideration.

Please see here for images submitted so far.

Good Luck!! and
Clear Skies,


Reminder: Website background image challenge.

4 July, 2008 (21:44) | Member Challenge | By: tramakers

A reminder for our website background image challenge. All members are encouraged to make and/or submit images for this challenge.

We already have received already some images:

Please check your picture folders, or visit CE for a fresh approach.

Here are the guidelines:

* The images must be made at Charlie Elliott observing field
* The images must be suitable for use as a background image (preferably dark and low grain, maybe a sunset). It would be nice if it includes the tree line as at least part of the horizon.
* The images should not interfere with text or other information on the pages.

Please use your imagination. All submitted images are placed in a special Gallery folder in the “Events” section for all to see. Final selection of the winning image(s) will be made by the CE chapter officers and Larry Owens, the CE webmaster.

Only submit an image if you are willing to allow the CE chapter the unrevokable right to use it as the chapter’s website background image.

All entries should be in by midnight Monday, July 21, (the Monday before our next meeting).

Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers