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Category: Outreach

Garden Club of Georgia, The sky over CE

15 July, 2013 (23:20) | Outreach | By: tramakers

The GCG appreciates the outreach we do very much, because they make ususally their reservations a year in advance! :-) So this year Frank and Theo were there again for their summer camp. A cloudy and rainy day, so we made some presentations inside and the kids were really awed by what we showed them. We took them on a flight through the solar system, demonstrated how small we are on Earth compared to the solar system and some other astronomical concepts. We finished by what happens on the Sun and some sun images we took ourselves, including the challenge to locate the transit of the ISS in a movie. Great group, great kids and great leaders! Thanks for inviting us every year!
Theo Ramakers

Sandy Springs Day Camp outreach 2013-7-8

8 July, 2013 (21:54) | Outreach | By: tramakers

We had a great time at the joint AAC+CEA Sandy Springs Day Camp outreach event on Monday July 8, 2013. Sharon Carruthers, Mark Banks & Marie Lott treated 60 day campers ages 6-11 to solar system activities and views of the sun. Photos by Deb Strycula, Sandy Springs Parks & Recreation.

Fayette County Cub Scouts 2013-06-26 & 27

27 June, 2013 (20:03) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We reached out for two days to the Fayette County Cub Scouts at their summer camp at the Providence United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. About 185 scouts and 30 parents learned what the scouts need to do to earn their Astronomy Beltloops. They learned about the solar system, how a telescope works and build a telescope on a stick and discovered that refractors invert the image :-) In addition, they setup an equatorial mount in teams of two in preparation for the beltloop. Every group asked to see the movie twice that showed how big stars can get. Outside they were able to take a look at the sun through our solar scopes and observe a few pinecones high in the trees through a regular scope. this was a very interested group of scouts and we hope that a good portion will earn the beltloops. Thanks Marie, Frank and Theo for their time to give these scouts a great time. click the image for the gallery.

SW Atlanta Cub Scouts outreach 2013-06-19

19 June, 2013 (09:29) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Marie Lott, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers did an outreach event for the 55 Cubcouts and their leaders during the Summer camp in SW Atlanta. We showed them how telescopes work and they did setup an EQ mount outside and focus on some far away tree tops. Inside we discussed the other items they needed to know about and they watched a movie about the sizes of bodies in the solarsystem and galaxie. Click the image for more.

Cub Scout Pack 724, 2013-06-01

1 June, 2013 (22:35) | Events, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

Steve Phillips, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went to help the scouts of Pack 724 earn their astronomy belt loops. The glass and mirrors kit showed the scouts what is inside telescopes and what happens to the object your watching when you look through the telescope. they learned about the planets and the solarsystem, they saw how big red giants will get compared to other stars and outside they had to setup a scope and focus on the leaves of some trees, because the clouds obsteructed the sky. Over all a very good event. Thanks Pack 724! Click the image to go to the gallery.

Astronomy training for CE counselors 2013-05-28

28 May, 2013 (23:21) | Events, Outreach, Planetary Imaging | By: tramakers

We were asked to train the CE Summer Camp counselors on astronomy. 6 counselors attended the session at the Jon Wood Field with Chapter members Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers. We started off with observing the close conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupitor together with the Hendersons, followed with explanations and observing of some of the night sky objects one can see at this time of the year. Here an image of the Close Conjunction of the planets.

The Sun over Rock Eagle 2013-05-18

18 May, 2013 (22:14) | Events, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

This was a repeat for Rock Eagle. Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers presented to the visitors of at Rock Eagle in Eatonton. We presented the latest on the Curiosity Rover and discussed how NASA studies the Sun. Because of the cloudy conditions, we were not able to let the visitors observe the sun. We received some very good questions from the young attendants of the session which made us pretty happy.
Clear Skies,

Chapter Meeting 2013-05-11

11 May, 2013 (08:01) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

This month our members elected a new Board and we like to gratulate Mr. Steve Siedentop as the new Director. Many thanks to the outgoing director Larry Owens for his service to the Chapter. Marie Lott and John Towne will continue for another year. Marie Lott and Theo Ramakers presented the new draft presentation from the NSN’s Planet Quest tool kit and discussed the new tools included. John Towne’s “What’s Up” concluded the meeting. In the meantime clouds had moved in so no observing after the meeting this month.

JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott 2013-05-11

11 May, 2013 (07:50) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

This year we were again part of JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott. About 50% of the 850 visitors came through our station and observed the Sun through 4 Solar Scopes and had the opportunity to learn about Mars and what happens on the sun inside the Discovery building. A great event with a lot of publicity for our Chapter.

Trickum Middle School, Three Day Event a success

9 May, 2013 (07:50) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We went for three days to Trickum Middle School with presentations about NASA’s MSL Curiosity Mission to Mars as well as observing the Sun. On the 13th, the students were able to see a leaping prominence that reached 120,000 miles above the surface of the Sun, a real treat!! 720 6th graders attended the session, many of them with a real interest in astronomy and/or space exploration. We would like to thank Mr. Patterson again for inviting us this year. (Sorry the school does not allow pictures of the students)