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Category: Outreach

Trip Elementary Outreach 2015-01-29

29 January, 2015 (17:25) | Outreach | By: tramakers

Several members had signed up to assist with telescopes for this STEM night. However, the clouds had other plans so we only could do inside presentations. Frank presented the Space Rocks and Glass and Mirrors activities, while Theo informed the students about our Solar System and how astronauts live in the International Space station. They also figured out how small we are on our little Earth. A great event and not enough time to make pictures. Just one with Frank.

Home School Day @ CEWC 2014-12-02

2 December, 2014 (16:09) | Outreach | By: tramakers

CEWC had their home school day on December 2nd. We did participate with one hour of astonomy and coverd the Sun and the inner Solar System including the relative size and distances of the planets. The 20 students and parents got to see the Sun in white light and Hydrogen Alpha filtered scopes and looked at our “scope on stick” and discovered when looking through it that it inverses the view. Great Students and it was a pleasure to teach the something more about “What’s up there”. Click the image to go to the gallery.

Morgan County Middle School Astronomy Club 2014-11-21

21 November, 2014 (20:24) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

This was the 5th year we went to Morgan County Middle School in Madison to show the students of the Astronomy Club what is happening on the Sun. We did the relative size and disatance activity, explained to them what actually happens on the Sun, so they knew what they had to look for when they looked through the Solar Scopes. Some very bright kids who did appreciate the opportunity to learn about our nearest Star.

Middle Ridge Elementary 2014-11-20

20 November, 2014 (21:50) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Middle Ridge Elementary had their “Night under the Stars”. They were lucky as the weather gave a break in the icy cold snap that plagued us the last few days. We had 4 scopes at the ball field including the one of Chad Foster the organizing teacher of the school. Students and parents saw a variety of celestial objects such as Mars, the Ring Nebula, the Double Cluster, Alberio, the Pleades, the Andromeda Galaxy, and a globular cluster M15 and other like objects. A great evening for those that came out in the cold to learn more about “what’s up there” and those that showed it.
Clear Skies, Theo

Outreach for the Garden Club of Georgia 2014-11-05

5 November, 2014 (09:47) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The Garden Club wanted us to reach out with stargazing, or an inside program, for as group of their members, as they visited CEWC for a two day program. Unfortunately the skies were cloudy so we had to resort to an inside presentation. We showed them the same program we show their teens in the summer. We discussed what we see when we look at planets when they make their way through the Solar system on their way around the Sun, we showed them how we took Curiosity to Mars and what the effect of gravity is in space. Discussions about meteorites and asteroids completed the 1 3/4 hour program. Thanks to Frank and Theo for doing this event.
Clear Skies,

Rocky Plains Elem. Science Night 2014-10-16

16 October, 2014 (09:11) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

CEA went to the Science Night of the Title 1 Rocky Mount Elementary school in Newton county. Students and parents learned equally about the relative size of planets and stars, and were very impressed learning about NASA’s MSL Curiosity mission. They also learned how to inspect rocks to see if they potentially came from out of Space rather than our Earth rocks. I was impressed by how much younger students already knew about the solar system and Space. Great School! Please click on the image to go to the gallery.

Heard Mixon Elem. Astronomy 2014-10-13

13 October, 2014 (14:01) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Monday it went to Heard Mixon Elementary and because it was cloudy, we focussed on inside astronomy and took the students on a trip through the Solar System. They learned about gravity at different places in space and how Saturn appears to loose its rings twice when observed from Earth in its orbit going around the Sun. They learned about the different color of the belts on Jupiter as well as some features on Mars and how small and close to Mars the Marsian moons are. A great group of students with some very fine teachers! Click the image to go to the gallery of this event.

Flint Hill Elementary Astronomy Days 2014-10-10 Day 2

10 October, 2014 (19:07) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank and I went back to Flint Hill for the second day. Our program was basically the same as the first day however the skies were nicer and the Sun displayed some nicer details. The students saw a few small proms and some very nice filaments. Active regions were very much visible today. At the end of the two days, over 200 students learned a lot about our solar system and were able to get a good idea of what is happening at the Sun by observing it through our scopes. Please click the image below to link to the gallery.

Flint Hill Elementary Outreach 2014-10-09 Day1

9 October, 2014 (19:06) | Events, Outreach, Uncategorized | By: tramakers

Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went to Flint Hill for the 4th grade Astronomy Days. The first day we made 1/2 hour presentations in the class room in which we took the students on a trip through the Solar System and showed close ups of the planets and explained to them what they were seeing. We also discussed the effect of gravity in those places. Outside they observed the Sun in visible light and Ha. Our relative size and distance activity concluded each class and the students went away having learned something they really did not know yet. Please click the image to link to some pictures from the event.

Solar for Madison Chili Cook-off 2014-10-04

4 October, 2014 (21:20) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Our new outreach members Dan and Linda Thoman were our host for CEA’s Solar event at the Madison Chili Cook-off on Saturday. Almost 450 individulas did visit the cook-off not knowing that they would learn about the relative sizes and distances in the Solar system, and have a chance to look at the Sun showing some very nice features. A pyramid prom and hedgerow prom were visible as well as a nice filament. Some very interested people might show up at our next meeting and a few said they would visit the Hard Labor evening event. Thanks to Dan, Linda, Frank and Theo for making this a very favorite station at the Event.
Click the image to go to the gallery for more pictures.