Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Some of the persons who have delivered Feature Presentations to the Chapter have given us permission to make the presentations available to you for viewing at your leasure. Most of the presentations are in either .pdf or .ppt format.

  • Perspective Presentation
  • Presented by chapter member Steve Siedentop in August 2019.

  • Imaging-The-Unusual
    Presented by chapter member Theo Ramakers in the May 2018 CEA meeting.
  • Getting Started in Astrophotography
    Presented by chapter member Tim Geib in the April 2015 CEA meeting.
  • Astronomical League Programs
    Presented by chapter member Jack Fitzmier in the July 2013 chapter meeting.
  • Imaging the Sun
    Presented by Theo Ramakers, chapter outreach coordinator, in the October 12, 2012 Solar System Symposium at the PSSG.
  • “Stellar Evolution”
    Presented by Joseph Seymour, chapter member and professor at Georgia Perimeter College, in the August 21, 2012 Chapter meeting.
  • “Astroseismology”
    Presented by chapter member Anthony Edwards, in the May 19, 2012 Chapter meeting.
  • “Marathon_Du_Messier-StarHopping-2-16-2012″
    Presented by the AAC’s Board Chairman Dan Herron in the February 18 2012 Chapter meeting.
  • “Push To” ;
    An effective, low cost alternative to digital setting circles and Go-To Systems. The presentation was given by Steve Siedentop during the January 21, 2012 Chapter meeting.
  • “Saturn” ;
    An update on Saturn presented by Dr. Julius Benton, ALPO Saturn Section Coordinator, during the November 5, 2011 Chapter meeting.
  • “Observing and Imaging the Sun” ;
    Presented by Theo Ramakers during the September 30, 2011 Solar System Symposium at the Peach State Star Gaze.
  • “Astro Photo Talk” ;
    Presented by Clay S. Turner during the September 24, 2011 Chapter meeting. (Images copyright Clay S. Turner)
  • “Jupiter’s in 2010 and 2011″ ;
    Presented by Dr. Richard Schmude during the August 27, 2011 Chapter meeting.
  • “Imaging on a Budget” ;
    Presented by Rich Jakiel during the July 30, 2011 Chapter meeting.
  • The Denver Chair” ;
    Presented by Dan Schmitt during the May 2011 Chapter meeting.
  • “Imaging the Unusual” ;
    Presented by Theo Ramakers during the February 2011 Chapter meeting.
  • “Howl-een Hunt List: 13 of the unluckiest Heavenly Objects” - ;
    Presented by Phillip Sacco, during the November 2010 Chapter meeting.
  • “Building your own Observatory” - ;
    Presented by Theo Ramakers during the August 2010 Chapter Meeting. Theo explained the design goals he set for his observatory and how he implemented them using regular materials available in any hardware store.
  • “Something out of Nothing” - ;
    Presented by Phillip Sacco, during the July 2010 Chapter meeting. Phillip, did a great job explaining the vastness of the universe.
  • “Jupiter – Recent Events” - ;
    Presented by Richard Schmude Jr. executive director ALPO during the June 2010 chapter meeting. Richard who also is the section coordinator for Jupiter made a presentation about recent events on Jupiter including last year’s “Bird Strike” and the June 3rd light flash observed by Anthony Wesly and Christopher Go.
  • “Guiding for Astro Imaging” – ;
    Presented by Tim Geib in the April 2010 meeting to address the many questions raised about auto guiding.
  • “Our Sun” - ;
    Presented by Stephen Ramsden. Stephen Ramsden who heads the Charlie Bates Project (The South’s largest Solar outreach program) made a presentation about the sun. Stephen discussed the evolution of the sun through its early stages and how it eventually might die.
  • “Ice Planet Hoth – Err, I mean Earth” -;
    Presented by Richard Jakiel. Richard Jakiel, is a renowned writer, and a research scientist working at Georgia Tech for the State’s Environmental Protection Division (EPD). Richard is also an officer of the Atlanta Astronomy Club. The past couple decades there has been a lot of discussion over Global warming. But technically, Earth is still locked into an ice age – this is only a warm interglacial. At least a 1/2 dozen “Ice Ages” are know, most 10’s or even hundreds of millions of years. A couple have been so intense that nearly the entire planet froze over giving rise to the “Snowball Earth Theory”
  • “Steward Mirror Lab & Kitt Peak, Arizona” -;
    Presented by Carlos Flores. Carlos gave us an excellent presentation on how large telecope mirrors are being fabricated. His presentation was based on the pictures he took during his trip to the Steward Mirror Lab in Arizona.
  • “Our Milky Way Galaxy” -;
    Presented by Dan Schmitt. Dan Schmitt, a relative new Charlie Elliott Chapter member wanted to give us a presentation about his experiences during his first nights out observing with club members.
  • “NASA’s Solar Probes and the Solar Dynamics Observatory” -;
    Presented by Stephen Ramsden. Stephen Ramsden, a NASA Solar System Ambasador, gave a presentation during our September 2009 meeting about the NASA missions over the last forty years that carried equipment and instruments to refine the knowledge about the sun and its activities.
  • “Heading back out of the Harbor” -;
    Presented by Fred Buls. Fred Buls, the Supervisor of the Astronomy and Physics Lab of the Georgia Perimeter Colege gave a presentation about NASAs plans to return back to the Moon and beyond.
  • Saturn;
    Presented by noted Saturn observing expert and author Dr. Julius L. Benton, Jr., Ph.D., of Savannah. Dr. Benton, a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS), is the coordinator of the Venus and Saturn observing sections for the Assn of Lunar & Planetary Observers (ALPO). His Venus and Saturn apparition reports in the ALPO quarterly journal, “The Strolling Astronomer”, provide a wealth of extremely detailed information about features noted in reports submitted by a network of dozens of observers worldwide (including several members of the CEWMA astronomy club).
  • Factors affecting visibility;
    Presented by Dr. Chip West in our 2009 January meeting. Dr. West is the meteorologist in charge at the Atlanta Center Weather Service Unit, Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control Center in Hampton, Ga. Dr. West did a great job of tying together the relationships between cloud types and other atmospheric phenomena with how well or not the night sky will appear.
  • Earth – The first 2 Billion Years;
    Presented by Richard Jakiel, on December 27, 2008, at the Charlie Elliott Visitors Center.
    Rich, a renowned writer for seveal astronomical magazines, took us through the first 2 billion years of the formation of the Earth. Compared to this time period, our Earth is currently behaving a lot better, but who knows until when…
  • Observing the Sun;
    Presented by Stephen Ramsden, Atlanta, GA on November 29, 2008, at the Charlie Elliott Visitors Center.
    Stephen has made his marks in Solar Observing over the last year and has given many kids and adults the opportunity to see the sun through his Solar scopes.
    Stephen took us on a journey through the old civilizations and how they were facinated with the Sun. In addition, Stephen gave us a great overview of what today’s sun observers see and record so we all have a better understanding of our Universe. Click on the link to see his presentation! (Requires 2007 Powerpoint)
  • Narrow Band Imaging from the City;
    Presented by Paul Tankersley, Roswell, GA on October 25, 2008, at the Charlie Elliott Visitors Center.
    You live in a city with a lot of light polution and believe imaging the beauty of the Universe is out of your reach except for an occasional trip out to a dark site? Don’t believe this. See what, and how Paul brings the beautiful images of the Universe to his observatory in Rosswell GA.
    This presentation discusses the advantages of narrowband imaging from the light polluted areas of the city. Topics for discussion also include equipment selection, techniques, and software with examples in CCDStack and Photoshop.
  • Jupiter’s Oscillating Storms;
    Presented by Dr. Richard Schmude, Jr., professor of Chemistry at Gordon College, Barnesville, GA on August 30, 2008, at the Charlie Elliott Visitors Center.
    In 2006, Jupiter had two spectacular storms: Oval BA and a white oval in its south polar region. I discuss both of these storms in this talk. Oval BA underwent a color change in late 2005. Oval BA also changed in both size and drift rate at the end of 2005. These two changes may have triggered its color change. A second oval in Jupiter’s polar region underwent and oscillation in both longitude and latitude. This oscillation will be described. People will also get the chance to carry out a longitude measurement for themselves in this presentation
  • Challenges of Imaging Jupiter (.pdf file 32MB. Please note that download may take a few minutes)
    Workshop: Challenges of Imaging Jupiter (Powerpoint Presentation 54MB) – Presented by chapter member Larry Owens August 23, 2008, at Oxford College in Covington GA. The workshop was hosted by Jim Honeycutt, who is an astronomy teacher at Oxford College. Larry presented a workshop, which was open to everybody, about the challenges of imaging Jupiter. The workshop was attended by approx. 16 individuals from different clubs from Mid to North Georgia. The workshop was a great success and everyone left the course knowing that imaging Jupiter had been made a little easier by the material presented by Larry. Thanks Larry!! pictures of the workshop here
  • Observing the Moon II
    Presentation by Theo Ramakers as a follow up to the Observing the Moon presentation in March. The presentation discusses observing under different light conditions (example the Straight Wall) as well as the challenges associated with observing banded craters on the Moon which has been a recent research topic of ALPO.
  • Observing the Moon
    Presentation by Theo Ramakers. Theo took us for a ride on his journey of discovery of observing the Moon. He had us follow him through his research from the not-so-serious-to the serious, from an 1896 book by Herbert A Howe, “A Study of The Sky” which happened to include Atlanta’s response to the 1892 appearance of our old friend comet 17/P Holmes, to the many faces emblazoned on the Moon. He covered phases, selenographic coordinates, co-longitude, libration, observing, and links.
  • Planetary Imaging for Amateur Astronomers
    Given by Larry Owens at Agnes Scott College, October 12, 2007.
  • Photoshop for Astro Imaging
    Larry Owens. CE meeting May 19, 2007
  • Night Sky Network Presentation
    Night Sky Network Presentation for February 1, 2007
  • Orbital Formulas
    Jim Honeycutt, Oxford College, Orbital Formulas using Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion (new version 8/14/2006)
  • Update to Jim Honeycutt’s math
    Jim Honeycutt, Oxford College, Update to Jim Honeycutt’s math for the NSN Teleconference on 7/27/2006
  • The Math behind the presentation
    Jim Honeycutt’s Original Presentation on the Math behind the NASA Night Sky Network Teleconference 07/27/2006
  • Deep Sky Imaging with Digital Cameras.
    A presentation by Larry Owens given September, 2005
  • How to Image the Planets
    A presentation by Larry Owens given March, 2005
  • Planetary Imaging Workshop (Acrobat Version)
    A presentation by Larry Owens given July, 2006 at ALPO. Also, click Here for the PowerPoint version, it’s a much larger file, but a bit clearer with better transitions
  • Why do we Tolerate Bad Lighting?
    A presentation by Marc Sandburg given September 2005
  • This is your Life (the lives of the stars) Jim Honeycutt, Oxford College, A presentation given during the April 2005 CE meeting