November 2, 2011 on 10:30 pm | In Mars, Planets | Comments Off

All of you who have known me for some time know that I eagerly followed NASA’s Mars Phoenix mission.  This led to really wanting to attend the launch of the next Mars mission which has gone through some delays.  However, the date has come and “Curiosity” is scheduled to be launched on November 25th at 10:21 a.m. I am very pleased that my official invitation for this launch has arrived today, so we will not be spending Thanksgiving this year at home, but at the Cape.


November 2, 2011 on 5:44 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The sun started again to show some more regions today, and during one of the runs, something did transit the solardisk.  Also the new Western limb looks really busy and beautiful, so I could not resist to have two closeups today.

   Sun-Ha-B-046-625-260-Com1 11-11-02 10-34-36InvCrpTxt-800.jpg   Sun-Ha-B-046-625-260-Com1 11-11-02 10-34-36CrpTxt-800.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-E-211-625-449-Com5 11-11-02 10-54-08InvCrpTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-E-211-625-449-Com5 11-11-02 10-54-08CrpTxt.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-D-158-625-449-Com2 11-11-02 10-49-50InvCrpTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-D-158-625-449-Com2 11-11-02 10-49-50CrpTxt.jpg  

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