November 12, 2011 on 9:14 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

The Proms on the Eastern limb were still there today, allowing me to capture sufficient data to make a 45 minute animation when I have time to process this.  Here the full disk image with closeups of the Proms.

   Sun-Ha-A-046-625-260-Com4 11-11-12 10-49-22CrpTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-A-046-625-260-Com4 11-11-12 10-49-22CrpTxt-800.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-B-046-313-260-Com2 11-11-12 10-56-08Txt.jpg   Sun-Ha-B-199-313-260-Com5 11-11-12 11-01-39InvstTxt.jpg  

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