November 30, 2011 on 2:36 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

It has been over a week since I could image the sun because of the time involved seeing the Curiosity launch. But when I saw the sun this morning I could not believe my eyes about the size of the prominence at the eastern limb. Absolutely breath taking at about 7 times the size of earth!  Also the sunspots about to leave the sun are surrounded by some nice filaments. Great to see the sun is still very active :-)

   Sun-Ha-M-046-625-260-Com1 11-11-30 10-21-05InvCrpTxt-800.jpg    Sun-Ha-M-046-625-260-Com1 11-11-30 10-21-05CrpTxt-800.jpg 

   Sun-Ha-N-046-256-260-Com2 11-11-30 10-31-08InvTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-N-046-256-260-Com2 11-11-30 10-31-08Txt.jpg  

November 30, 2011 on 9:39 am | In Mars, Planets | Comments Off

Today, the Walton Tribune carried my feelings and emotions during the launch of Curiosity to a larger audience by publishing an article and a picture of me in front of the countdown clock.  Click here to read the article. Curiosity is well on its way now.  In fact a fellow Solar System Ambassador Patrick Wiggins in Utah caught it on its way to Mars on the 27th when it was close at the junctior of Monoceros, Hydra and Canis Minor.  Click the image to see it move through the field of view.


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