November 9, 2011 on 5:25 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Cloudy forecast, but I was able to get some images before the clouds arrived, and finished up with some closeups made half through the clouddeck. Not enough time to get a prom image.  However, a beautiful display of filaments going all over in the 1341, 42, and 43 triangle.

   Sun-Ha-U-046-500-260-Com3 11-11-09 10-13-01InvTxt-800.jpg   Sun-Ha-U-046-500-260-Com3 11-11-09 10-13-01Txt-800.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-U-046-455-392-Com4 11-11-09 09-45-14InvTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-U-046-455-392-Com4 11-11-09 09-45-14Txt.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-U-046-313-632-Com1 11-11-09 09-39-39InvTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-U-046-313-632-Com1 11-11-09 09-39-39Txt.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-U-046-455-695-Com5 11-11-09 09-48-09InvTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-U-046-455-695-Com6 11-11-09 09-53-31InvTxt.jpg  

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