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Charlie Elliott WC Summer Camp – Week 2

24 July, 2008 (09:53) | Astronomy, Events, Observing | By: tramakers

Thanks to our members Stephen Ramsden, Jon Wood and Theo Ramakers for finishing the 2nd week’s presentations and observing sessions for the Summer Camp participants at Charlie Elliott!

The weather did not cooperate much. For the morning solar observing we had to wait several times for up to 45 minutes to catch a break in the clouds. However the wait was well worth it. The kids were able to see three good sized filaments on the surface of the sun, one of them a big arc.

The evening presentations went well with a trip though the inner and outer solar system, the Phoenix landing, and some not so common images of the Moon and Jupiter.

Outside the clouds had moved in, except for a small opening around Jupiter, so everyone was able to see Jupiter with three moons and a little later 4 moons, when Io’s transit ended. The clouds kept us busy trying to find the best spots to see. A faint M57 could be seen once in a while, and a faint coming and going Alberio also. Despite the adverse cloud conditions, the observing session was well accepted by all!

For pictures of yesterday’s event click here.

Thanks again to everyone who was able to contribute time , including the staff at Charlie Elliott and especially Julie Duncan, to make this another successful astronomy event.

Theo Ramakers