Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: ALERTS

Would you like to use The HST to image?

24 February, 2010 (10:49) | ALERTS, Planetary Imaging | By: tramakers

Have you ever thought about using the Hubble Space Telescope to image? Well some of us have done that!!
I thought I share this email from Christopher Go with you.
Theo Ramakers

Today is the 4th anniversary of the discovery of the Red Oval BA. In connection with this, I am releasing the latest Hubble Space
Telescope image of Oval BA which our group took during September 2009
last year.
More info at:

Christopher and Vicky Go
Christone Industries

Globe at Night Participation, March 3 – 16

23 February, 2010 (16:10) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

We are again participating this year in the GLOBE at NIGHT campaign to draw attention to light polution. Last year we had a number of Chapter members who did report the results as members of our group. It is noce to do this with a group of individuals such as boy scouts or schools. We also have a Sky Quality Meter that can be used to measure the sky qulaity at your location. We should try to pass this device on to as many members who are interested to participate.
Please go to the website to download a packet (Teacher or Parent) and schedule the observations. Please send me an email with the results after you reported them on their website as indicated in the material.
Also send me an email if you want the Sky Quality Meter at a specific day.
Theo Ramakers

Second Outreach event for this week: Puckett Mill Elementary

15 February, 2010 (18:40) | ALERTS, Outreach | By: tramakers

We are having two outreach programs this week. Tomorrow night at Charlie Elliott for boyscout troop 211 and on Thursday evening we participate in Science Night of Puckett Mill’s elementary school by giving the studens a chance to look at the night sky through our telescopes. There will be three sessions each 35 minutes. We will be parking near a back enterance. I know that Thursdays Stephen has to work and Steve Bieger has a committment at Fernbank, so if you can help it is appreciated. Here the details:
4:30 pm Doors open to presenters
5:00 – 5:30 First Starlab sessions for volunteers
5:00 – 6:00 Hospitality room open to all presenters
5:45 – 6:15 Speaker on Internet safety for minors
6:15 – 6:40 Presentation Session One (2nd Starlab)
6:45 – 7:10 Presentation Session Two (3rd Starlab)
7:15 – 7:40 Presentation Session Three (4th Starlab)
7:45 – 8:30 Break-down and clean-up
Puckett’s Mill Elementary School
2442 S. Puckett’s Mill Rd.
Dacula, Georgia 30019
Phone: 678-765-5110
Fax: 678-765-5240
Let me know if you will be able to attend.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Call for Volunteers: Tuesday Febr. 20

13 February, 2010 (11:05) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Jim Sobeloski has coordinated an event for a scout troop for Tuesday evening February 16th. Start time at 18:30H at Jon Wood Field at Charlie Elliott. The conditions forcasted: clouds 35%, and temperature down in the 20s. So come on out and help these scouts earn their Astronomy badges and see the nightsky (including my favorate constellation). Please let Jim know if you will be participating, so he has a count of telescopes.
Clear Skies,

Today’s meeting Cancelled

13 February, 2010 (10:46) | ALERTS, Events, Presentations | By: tramakers

I checked the roads around the area just a minute ago. Many icy spots, and covered with frozen snow. Temperatures will get above freezing around 11 and the slush will start freezing over again at the time when the meeting would end. So stay safe at home and enjoy the presentation from William R. Shea at home. His presentation can be seen in a movie on the internet. We planned to see this presentation first for our January meeting to end the International Year of Astronomy. So it is time now to end the IYA. Here is the link to the presentation, and watch him make his presentation about Galilieo. Of special interest to me was the question and answer session following the presentation.
Our next meeting is March 13 at 4:00 P.M. The time is the “Time in between Summer and Winter start-times of the meetings”. Check our home page in a few days for further information on the feature presentation.
clear skies,
Theo Ramakers

February Meeting CANCELLED

13 February, 2010 (10:20) | ALERTS | By: Steve Bieger

The February CE meeting is CANCELLED because of the weather. The roads are in pretty bad shape
now and there might be a good chance of refreezing tonight it’s best to not take chances.

Watch this space for any additional announcements.

Steve Bieger

Reminder: Meeting this Saturday at 3:00 P.M.

10 February, 2010 (23:26) | ALERTS | By: tramakers

This is a reminder for our meeting this Saturday starting at 3:00 P.M. at Charlie Elliott Vistors Center. This month’s presentation was delayed in January and was intended to close the International Year of Astronomy. In addition, it is now 400 years ago that Galileo took his telescope and started looking in the sky. So it is appropriate that we will watch a presentation by William R. Shea of the University of Padua about Galileo. The presentation will shed some light on Galileo that is well known to us, but also clarify some of the political and economic issues of the time that shaped the history around Galileo. The forecast for Saturday evening is partly cloudy, so bring your scopes and we will brave the cold. …… at least for a while…
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Shuttle lift-off delayed by weather

7 February, 2010 (10:50) | ALERTS | By: Steve Bieger

From the AP – Clouds prevented space shuttle Endeavour from blasting off Sunday on the last planned nighttime shuttle launch, delaying its trip with a final few building blocks for the International Space Station. Endeavour is loaded with a new room for the space station, as well as an observation deck. Once both of those are installed, the orbiting complex will be 98 percent complete.

The band of low clouds started moving in from the north late Saturday. NASA counted down to the nine-minute mark, but the sky remained overcast. NASA managers said they would try again Monday, when slightly better conditions were expected. Launch time on Monday is scheduled at 4:14 a.m. It’s expected to be the last shuttle launch in darkness.

Shuttle Endeavor lift-off on Feb 7 @ 4:39AM

2 February, 2010 (18:37) | ALERTS | By: Steve Bieger

The STS-130 astronauts will fly Endeavour to the International Space Station early this Sunday morning, Feb 7. Liftoff of Endeavour from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida is set for 4:39 a.m. NASA TV will cover the launch live on the Web at More at the Shuttle Mission web site.

In the past, we have actually been able to see the shuttle launch from Charlie Elliot field. Even though we are 435 miles north of Cape Canaveral, there is still a good line of site to the South East. Unaided views are impressive enough but binoculars are the way to go. Once the shuttle turns out to sea, you might get a good look at the boosters pealing off. This is one bright candle!

So for those among you intrepid enough to get up that early, rug up and head out to the CE field early Sunday. The weather forecast calls for a sunny day, so we might be in luck.

Clear skies (hopefully),


NASA’s new plans

2 February, 2010 (15:30) | ALERTS | By: tramakers

NASA’s budget has been increased by $6 Billion over the next 5 years. Listen to NASA administrator Boldens’ statement at the press conference on 2/1/2010 outlining the new bold programs at NASA. Other documents related to the new program can be found here:

Clear skies
Theo Ramakers