June 10, 2011 on 2:20 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Yesterday afternoon we had clouds, lighting and thunder but no rain.  The resulting humidity made for a hazy observation this morning, but still pretty good.  the prom on the east side has grown, while the prom at the western limb has disappeared.  AR1234 is becomming very visible.  Today a whole disk image as well as AR1234 and the Prom at the western limb.

   SUN-Ha-Q-046-092-260-Com1 11-06-10 10-32-22CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-Q-046-092-260-Com1 11-06-10 10-32-22InvCrpTxt_ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-Ha-R-182-120-260-Crp6 11-06-10 10-41-26CrpTxt_ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-R-182-120-260-Crp6 11-06-10 10-41-26InvCrpTxt_ALPO.jpg  

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