June 19, 2011 on 12:48 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Yesterday I had an outreach event at the Arts and Science Workshops organized by Life Labs at the Norcross Highschool.  It was cloudy almost all day, so no image of the 18th, but today I imaged the sun again.  When I noticed that the main sunspot in active regsion 1236 was bridged, I made also a closeup of the region.  Surpringly it turned out that the spot was double bridged which is very much evidenced in the inverted image below.  Will keep looking for this spot tomorrow to see if it stays intact or if it will break up.

   SUN-Ha-Y-046-625-260-Com2 11-06-19 10-41-38CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-Y-046-625-260-Com2 11-06-19 10-41-38CrpInvTxt_ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-Ha-Z-030-120-260-Com5 11-06-19 10-49-30CrpATxt.jpg   SUN-Ha-Z-030-120-260-Com5 11-06-19 10-49-30InvCrpATxt.jpg  

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