June 14, 2011 on 11:30 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Imaged the sun again today.  will be doing outreach tomorrow and Thursday so no imaging than.  Today a new region is getting nicely visible at the eastern limb.  I imaged a nice closeup of it with a “Filaprom”, a filament that extends accross the limb.  Also a closeup with a 2x barlow of AR1234.

   SUN-Ca-U-046-625-260-Com1 11-06-14 10-22-27CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ca-U-046-625-260-Com1 11-06-14 10-22-27InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-Ca-W-158-120-260-Com5 11-06-14 10-29-45CrpTxt.jpg   SUN-Ca-X-046-054-260-Com6 11-06-14 10-32-24Txt_ALPO.jpg   

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