June 30, 2011 on 2:20 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A very interesting sun.  Active Regions 1242 and 43 are very pronounced today.  A lot of proms including a nice very tall but faint prom at the Western limb and a hedge row at the NW limb.  The row of individual proms seems to be duplicated by a row of filaments paralell to the proms on the surface of the Sun.  

   SUN-Ha-I-046-625-260-Com5 11-06-30 10-43-26CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-I-046-625-260-Com5 11-06-30 10-43-26InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-Ha-L-170-060-260-Co11 11-06-30 10-59-16CrpTxtA.jpg   SUN-Ha-J-046-154-260-Com8 11-06-30 10-49-17InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

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