June 12, 2011 on 12:22 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

We had a lot more haze in the sky today and the result is longer exposure times as well as more detail loss.  Especially with the faint prominances at the limbs.  Having a larger aperture such as a 90 would help in better bringing out these details I expect, but my 40 mm did not bad either.  Today AR1232 is still visible and 1234 with some faint proms in H-alpha and CaK.

   SUN-Ha-U-046-455-260-Com1 11-06-12 10-45-44CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-U-046-455-260-Com1 11-06-12 10-45-44InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-Ca-V-046-077-260-Com5 11-06-12 10-52-43CrpTxt_ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ca-V-046-077-260-Com5 11-06-12 10-52-43InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

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