Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: ALERTS

Outreach for “The Girls of the Great Outdoors cancelled #ceastro

2 July, 2010 (18:13) | ALERTS, Observing, Outreach | By: tramakers

We have been informed that the camp, and with that the outreach which was scheduled for July 14th, for the “Girls of the Great Outdoors”, has been cancelled.
Clear Skies

Telescopes needed for Bert Adams Scout Reservation

15 June, 2010 (07:47) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We are having an outreach event this coming Saturday, June 19, at the Bert Adams Boy Scout Reservation. We have received the invite from Scout troop 211. About 300 scouts and parents are camping there and would like some help in understanding “what’s up there”. This is an evening event only. So if you can spare the time come on out and help us in letting these scouts see the beauty of the night sky. Address: 218 Boy Scout Road. Covington, GA 30016.
Directions: In Covington, go south on GA 36. Go 3 miles beyond Hendersons Restaurant and turn right on Boy Scout road. The reservation is on the right. I have been told to ask for David Evercombi to let us know where to setup.
Hope to see you there.

NSN Conference call: The Rosetta Spacecraft

14 June, 2010 (10:51) | ALERTS, Events, Presentations | By: tramakers

The JPL Solar System Ambassadors have invited NSN members to participate in their telecon on Tuesday, June 15, 2010.

On July 10, the Rosetta spacecraft will pass by asteroid Lutetia, as it travels to its ultimate destination Comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimanko.
To learn more about this exciting ESA/NASA joint mission and the asteroid encounter, please join us for a telecon with Dr. Claudia Alexander, Project Scientist and Art Chmielewski, Project Manager, as they discuss Rosetta and the upcoming milestone.

Date: June 15, Tuesday Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm PT (6:00 pm -7:30 pm ET) (Phone lines open at 2:30 pm PT – 5:30 pm ET)
Call-In: 888-282-0432
Passcode: Ambassador
Leader: Kay Ferrari
TRAINING MATERIALS: Training materials will be available on the NASA Nationwide website under the “Current Telecon” section prior to telecon.
The URL for the NASA Nationwide website is:

Log-in information for the website:
Username: NSN
Passcode: NNW001

1. When the telecon begins, please mute your phone while the speaker is talking.
2. If your phone doesn’t have a “mute” button, your phone may be muted by pressing “*6″ (star six).
3. The “*6″ feature is a toggle; your phone may be unmuted for questions by pressing “*6″ again.
4. For technical problems encountered during the training, pressing “*0″ (star zero) will signal the operator who can temporarily remove you from the telecon “room” to resolve the issue.
5. If entering the telecon after the recording has begun (3:00 pm PT), please enter SILENTLY and do not announce your name as the recording will have already begun.
6. DO NOT place your phone on “hold” if music is played while the hold button is engaged, as the music will be heard by telecon listeners and will be disruptive to the speaker.
7. Any participants who do not adhere to these rules of telecon etiquette stand the chance of having their phones muted by the operator for the entire session if background noise is a problem.
If you have any questions about this telecon, please let me know. Kay Ferrari, Coordinator NASA/JPL Solar System Educators Program NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassadors Program:
The audio file and transcript will be posted at a later date.
IMPORTANT NOTES: This telecon is ONLY for Solar System Ambassadors, Solar System Educators, Museum Alliance and NASA Nationwide partners: Night Sky Network, NEAT Teachers, NASA Explorer School Teachers, Spaceward Bound Teachers, MESSENGER Fellows, GAVRT Teachers, Saturn Observation Campaign, Girl Scout Trainers, GLOBE Teachers and NASA and JPL Speakers Bureau members. It is NOT to be shared LIVE in classrooms, museums or other venues. This is professional development for YOU, intended to prepare you for your upcoming presentations and events. Please do NOT share the call-in information (phone number, passcode, etc) or telecon with anyone outside this program.
This professional development telecon is sponsored by the NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassadors Program.

Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

Reminder for Potluck dinner meeting 6/12/2010

6 June, 2010 (17:47) | ALERTS, Events, Presentations | By: tramakers

This is a reminder for our Potluck dinner meeting this coming Saturday June 12, 2010 at 5:00 P.M.   Richard Schmude will present “Jupiter”.    Since his last presentation, we have had two major events happening on Jupiter.  Last year amateurs accross the world followed the impact scar and this week Anthony Wesley and Christopher Go observed, and imaged as well, another event, a hugh light ball.  Richard will include both events in his discussion.
This is a potluck dinner meeting, so please send me an email what you will be bringing so I can give an update of the menu as we progress during the week.  So far we have:

Romaine and Theo Ramakers    -   meatloaf.

Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Face Book presence

26 May, 2010 (08:26) | ALERTS | By: tramakers

Some of you might not be aware that we have a presence on Face Book.  Every member can write on the wall, so if you have not joined us on fb, please do so and help shape our presence by adding your comments and stories and pictures!

Click on the FB icon  (f)  in the sidebar on our ceastronomy website, below the events calendar, which will lead you to the page.  Also, the Twitter and Yahoo icons will lead you to our presence there.

Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Meeting and JAKES Day

16 May, 2010 (11:54) | ALERTS, Events, Observing, Outreach | By: tramakers

Thanks to Marie Lott, Annette and Pierre Michel, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers for participating in Charlie Elliott’s JAKES Day. We had some great kids with a lot of very interesting and good questions!! Check here for some pictures.
In addition, we had a surprising number of attendants for the meeting, despite the ongoing “Georgia Star View” in Griffin. Check the past Events page for more information and pictures of the meeting and observing after the meeting even though some clouds made observing a challenge. Over all, a long but very rewarding day :-) !!! Thanks to all.
Clear Skies

Meeting Reminder with elections and JAKES Day.

10 May, 2010 (19:24) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

This is a reminder for this Saturday’s meeting (5/15/2010) with observing at Jon Wood Field after the meeting. In addition, Saturday is JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott. We will participate with Solar observing starting at 10:00 A.M at the visitor center, while inside we will run a planetary show and answer any questions visitors might have. If you can, please attend the JAKES outreach program of the day and the meeting, in which we will elect the officers for the coming 12 months.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Call for Telescopes for May 11, 2010

7 May, 2010 (13:15) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We will have two outreach events at the Charlie Elliott’s Outdoor Discovery School this coming Tuesday May 11. We will start with Solar observing at lunch time and have an indoor and outdoor event in the evening. If you can, please come and help with the solar event and/or the evening event. Lunch will be provided at noon by CE, as well as dinner if you can come around 6:00 P.M. Please let me know if you can make it.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Outreach Event Cancelled

3 May, 2010 (10:25) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The school that was coming to Charlie Elliott’s TODS tomorrow has cancelled and with that our outreach event for them is cancelled also.
Clear Skies

Hightower Trail Teachers ready for their experiment at NASA

29 April, 2010 (11:09) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

day_3_nbl_tour_and_chamber_024I don’t know if you have been following the progress of our friends at Hightower Trail Elementary school with their project at NASA. Check it out if you have not done so by clicking here. As far as I know they are ready for their 0G flight with the experiment today! It feels good to have participated with this school in Astronomy for so long that now they find their way to NASA!
Clear Skies