Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: ALERTS

Outreach for The Children’s School – Atlanta

22 October, 2010 (09:04) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Thanks to Frank Garner, Stephen Ramsden and Theo Ramakers for participating in these two outreach events. We showed them at noon what the sun looks like when there are several sunspots visible as well as some filaments and prominences. It for sure was a beautiful sight. In addition, the students learned a lot about relative distances of the planets, the solar system and our Galaxy the Milky Way. At night (almost full moon) we showed them the moon, Jupiter and a globular and open star cluster. A few of them also saw M31 and M57.
On a side note, Stephen Ramsden awarded the anual Jon Woods Memorial Outreach Award from the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project during the noon session. The award was given as a total surprise to me and consisted of a complete Solar (CaK) imaging kit with PST and camera. This caught me so much off guard that I simply did not have any words to say Thank You.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Outreach for group2 from the Children’s School Atlanta

18 October, 2010 (19:43) | ALERTS, Outreach | By: tramakers

The next outreach event is this coming Wednesday for the 2nd group of the Children’s School in Atlanta who will be at TODS at Charlie Elliott. We will have a solar event at 11:30 A.M near the dining building and a Star Party for them at 8:00 P.M. on the Jon Wood observing Field at CE. So if you can spare a little time please come out and show these students why they should keep looking up.
Clear skies,

In Memoriam: our oldest member Angus Owens

13 October, 2010 (16:14) | ALERTS | By: tramakers

It is with great sadness that we received the message that our oldest chapter member Angus Owens passed away at the age of 92.   He was a true supporter of Larry in pursuit of his astronomy hobby.  Angus would drive Larry  all over the country in support of catching that solar eclipse or special astronomical event, and has attended with Larry probably more meetings than any of us.  Angus was also a very talented man and you will enjoy the comics he drew for the Saipan Beacon in World War II, on his website.

He was special to all of us and we will never forget his smile and the special place he had at the head table in our meeting room at Charlie Elliott, Visitors Center. 

Our member’s  condolences go out to Larry and his family in this difficult time.

Rest in Piece Angus, we will always remember you.


Astronomy at Morgan County Middle School

24 September, 2010 (18:39) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers went to Madison on 9/24 for an astronomy event for the Astronomy and Science clubs at the school. the program did give the students a good feel for the relative distances in the solar system, as they walked accross the football field with the tiny earth to the location where earth orbits the sun, which was depicted by a Sun poster on the side of a metal bin. They were able to see some sunspots and solar flares through visual light and H-alpha scopes and learned how telescopes work and had a chance to look through the scope a student helped put together. About 30 students did learn some interesting things about the solar system.
Thanks to Mrs Elo for inviting us.

Galileo at Stone Mountain Middle

24 September, 2010 (10:39) | ALERTS, Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Steve Bieger gave his Galileo presentation for 70 Students at Stone Mountain Middle school on Friday September 24th. The students liked it very much and had some excellent questions! Great job Steve to bring some astronomy and history to the middle school.

(here’s a link to Steve’s post and pictures from the event –

Harbour Oaks Montessori School, Monday Sept. 27th #ceastro

23 September, 2010 (10:59) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We have two events on Monday the 27th for Charlie Elliott’s Outdoor Discovery School, who will be hosting the Harbour Oaks Montessori School of Grayson. Those who have Solar scopes can help with the solar session at noon. In the evening we have an inside program around 7:30 followed with observing at the field around 8:30 P.M. afterward. So if you can help, please bring your scope out and let the kids take a peek at the night sky.
Thanks and Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Meeting reminder for Saturday Sept. 11

6 September, 2010 (21:12) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

This is a reminder for our next Chapter meeting this coming Saturday September 11 at the Charlie Elliott Visitor Center at 5:00 P.M. This is a “(Potluck) Dinner and Movie” meeting. The movie we will be watching is “New Horizons”. This is a NASA movie about the mission to Pluto and beyond. Please see our home page for more details. We also expect a number of students and their parents from the Stone Mountain Middle School at the observing session after the meeting. So bring out your scope and let the kids see the night sky.

Our dinner menu so far:
Vegitarian Chili – Romaine and Theo Ramakers (for you Alesia :-)

Let me know the potluck dinner item you will be bringing, so I can keep an updated list going here of what you can expect to eat.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Rockdale County Middle School – ISS link!!

21 July, 2010 (17:35) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

Well, the kids from Rockdale Middleschool had a talk with some crew members of ISS’ Expedition 24. It is great to know that our chapter has been actively involved for 6 years with the Rockdale school system in participating in their 4th grade Space Camp. The kids that looked through our scopes are now talking to astronauts on the ISS!! Go Hightower Trail! Go Charlie Elliott Chapter!!
Clear skies

Chapter meeting and observing, Saturday July 10, 5:00 P.M.

5 July, 2010 (22:18) | ALERTS, Events, Observing | By: tramakers

This is a reminder for our meeting and observing for this Saturday. Phil Sacco will present “The Wonders of the Night Sky”. The meeting and presentation are open to everyone, members and no members, and is free of charge. Come on out and share the beautiful night sky with us.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Outreach event Garden Club of Georgia, #ceastro

3 July, 2010 (12:29) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We received a request from the Garden Club of Georgia to do an event during their Camp at Charlie Elliott the evening of Sunday July 11 at Jon Wood field. Frank Garner has volunteered to run this, but he is looking for additional scopes. Two years ago we did an event with them, and last year the event rained out, so this year hopes are up for clear skies. Call Frank, or talk to him at next week’s meeting and let him know if you can make it.
Clear Skies,