Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Events

Astronomy for “Becoming an Outdoors Woman” group

4 November, 2012 (10:00) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

7 Of us went out to the Jon Wood Field at CE to show the wonders of the night sky to a group of young female adults who participated in the program “Becoming an Outdoors Woman” (BOW) at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. It was a great night with clear skies, and the ladies learned how to find North at night, they saw our milky way streching accross the sky and took some closer looks at star clusters, planetary nebulae, double stars, a galaxy, and yes, Jupiter with four of its moons while Europa came from behind the planet. Thanks to everyone who came out for this event.

Astronomy for BS troop 554 in Lawrenceville

2 November, 2012 (23:34) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Jeff Rebitzke and Steve Siedentop spend Friday evening 11/02 with BS troop 554 in Lawrenceville and go through some of the reuirements for the Astronomy badge. They were able to demonstrate different types of telescopes, discussed why telescopes and binoculars are important to astronomy, and Jeff gave a presentation on the sun and sunspots. Outside, they showed the troop red (Mu Cep), yellow (Capella), and blue-white (Pleiades) stars as well as NGC457, M31, and M42. As so often happens at events like this, Jeff had his camera in his car, but did not think about making a picture.

Boy Scout Troop 282, Jon Wood Field 2012-10-27

27 October, 2012 (23:46) | Events, Observing, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

Boyscout Troop 282 came out to camp at CE to earn their Astronomy Badge, and we were asked to give them a hand. Frank, Theo and Jack came out and guided them through the requirements, using all the NSN kits we have. Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy send some thin high clouds our way, obstructing a lot what we could see. Despite this, I believe the scouts learned a lot and came pretty far through the requirements for the badge. Click the image to go to the gallery.

Morgan County Middle School 2012-10-28

26 October, 2012 (16:31) | Events, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

We went again to Morgan County Middle School for their Astronomy Club. 18 Students attended the presentation of the Mars Science Laboratory “Curiosity” and also learned about the sun and the solar system. In addition, they got to see the sun live through our white light and H-alpha filtered telescopes and participated in an activity that shows that all energy on Earth originates at the sun.

Emory University, Oxford Campus Solar outreach

25 October, 2012 (18:27) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Today we helped out with Solar outreach at the Astronomy lab on the Oxford Campus of Emory University. We, as well as the students liked what we saw on the sun in white light and through H-alpha filters.

Night Sky over the Duluth Library

23 October, 2012 (08:48) | Events, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

102 Individuals between the ages of 5 and 60 did participate in our outreach event at the Duluth Library. Following a program in the library about the planets, the group went out and observed the moon and a few deep sky objects such as the Hecules Star Cluster and the Ring Nebula. A great program and those who attended really did like astronomy a lot!! :-) Thanks to the library for inviting us. Click the picture to go to the gallery.

Chapter Meeting & DSO, 2012-10-20

20 October, 2012 (23:40) | Events, Observing, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

A great meeting in which Annette Pierre made a presentation about the relationship between Nebulas. Jeff Rebitzke did present John Towne’s monthly “What’s Up”, since John was unable to attend. Following the meeting a large crowd including students/parents of the Stone mountain middle school and the Dunwoody Charter School joined us for stargazing and the Orionid Meteor Shower. Click the image to link to the gallery for more pictures.

Curiosity and the solar system for Rocky Plains Elem.

18 September, 2012 (17:21) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank and Theo went today for the entire day to Rocky Plains Elementary and made presentations about the Solar System and components of itfor all 4th grade students. The students became asteroid hunters and learned about Meteorites, planets and a lot more about Mars, its moon Phobos and the Rover Curiosity. Click the picture for more.

Potluck Dinner Meeting and Observing 2012-06-16

16 June, 2012 (17:21) | Events | By: tramakers

A great Potluck Dinner meeting while we screened the PBS documentary 400 Years of the Telescope. Following the dinner and movie, Larry called a short meeting to discuss, and ask input, for future meetings. The new Observing Supervisor John Towne followed with a short but great presentation “What’s Up” for June 2012. After cleaning the class room, everyone went out to the field for a great observing session. Even the refinished 16″ Chapter Starfinder made it out. For images click on the thumbnail below.


Charlie Elliott Chapter reaches out to Gwinnett Parks

12 June, 2012 (15:41) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did receive a request from the Gwinnett Parks and Recreation Dept. for help with their summer camps. The first day of their camps was focussed on “Space”. So three Charlie Elliott Chapter members went yesterday to three different Gwinnett Parks and gave the kids a talk or presentation about Space. Jeff included cooking a comet, Theo and Frank included a flight through the Solar System and presented the details of the launch and landing phases of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity. The kids were very hiped up about what they learned. A rainy day, but a great day for reaching out to these kids with astronomy and Space Exploration.