Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Events

Today’s meeting Cancelled

13 February, 2010 (10:46) | ALERTS, Events, Presentations | By: tramakers

I checked the roads around the area just a minute ago. Many icy spots, and covered with frozen snow. Temperatures will get above freezing around 11 and the slush will start freezing over again at the time when the meeting would end. So stay safe at home and enjoy the presentation from William R. Shea at home. His presentation can be seen in a movie on the internet. We planned to see this presentation first for our January meeting to end the International Year of Astronomy. So it is time now to end the IYA. Here is the link to the presentation, and watch him make his presentation about Galilieo. Of special interest to me was the question and answer session following the presentation.
Our next meeting is March 13 at 4:00 P.M. The time is the “Time in between Summer and Winter start-times of the meetings”. Check our home page in a few days for further information on the feature presentation.
clear skies,
Theo Ramakers

Shuttle Launch and Solar Observing

9 February, 2010 (16:47) | Events | By: tramakers

Stephen captured the image of the last night launch of the shuttle program as it was visible from the Jon Wood field at Charlie Elliott as Endeavour blasted sky ward some 400 miles away. Click here for the images. After a warmup at the Waffle House, Stephen continued with solar observing and was soon accompanied by some friends. Click here to see who was there and the images Stephen was able to capture of the solar activity. I bet you wish you could have been there!!
Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

Menu update for Saturday’s Potluck Dinner Meeting

15 December, 2009 (13:12) | Events | By: tramakers

Here a quick update on the dinner menu so far. We have:
Cornbread and a Veggie side dish – Thanks Marie and Tim Lott
Drinks – Thanks Stephen Ramsden
Chicken and Broccoli braid – Thanks Romaine and Theo

We need more main dishes, deserts, plates and plastic utensils.
Please let me know and I will update the menu.
Clear skies
Theo Ramakers

Volunteers for Charlie Elliott TODS, December 17

14 December, 2009 (09:56) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center has again asked us for our participation. They are hosting 85 students and faculty of the Mary Lin Elementary school in Atlanta. We have been requested to setup scopes at the observing field on December 17, and let the students experience the Universe. The weather forecast looks good. So, please, if you can make some time to participate in this event, please let me know and setup before sunset on the 17th! The students will pass through the observing field in groups of about 20-25. Each group will be there for about 1/2 hour. What nicer Christmas present than to let these students experience the passion you have for this hobby!!
Clear skies!
Theo Ramakers

ReminderL CE Potluck Dinner Meeting and Observing

13 December, 2009 (08:11) | Events, Observing | By: tramakers

This is a reminder that coming Saturday December 19 at 3:00 P.M. is our next Charlie Elliott Chapter meeting. This meeting is our Quarterly Potluck dinner Meeting. so please let me know what you will be bringing so I can publish the menu as we go through the week. The forecast looks reasonable for observing also. So join the other members for a this event and enjoy Richard Jakiel as he presents a discussion on Climate change: “Ice Planet Hoth – Err, I mean Earth!”
Theo Ramakers

NSN Conference call, November 19, 2009

17 November, 2009 (10:43) | Presentations | By: tramakers

Thursday, November 19th, 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Dr. Jon Jenkins will speak featuring the December 2009 IYA Discovery Guide theme: Discovering New Worlds

On March 6, 2009 the telescope that is the centerpiece of the Kepler mission was flung into orbit, and began a landmark work. Its efforts promise to revolutionize our knowledge of how common (or otherwise) Earth-size worlds are.

Dr. Jon Jenkins is the Analysis Lead for the Kepler Mission, which means that he heads up a group of about a half-dozen scientists and programmers who are designed and tested the software that are the brains behind this dramatic search for other worlds. As Co-Investigator in the Kepler Mission, Jenkins was part of the original proposal team for Kepler, and has been helping to make this mission perfect for the past 14 years.

To log into the Telecon on Thursday, November 19th, between 5:45 – 6:00pm (Pacific Time) (8:45 – 9:00 Eastern):
Use the IYA toll-free conference call line: 1-888-455-9236
An operator will answer and: You will be asked for the passcode: NIGHT SKY NETWORK
Identify yourself as a member of the Charlie Elliott Chapter of the Atlanta Astronomy Club when you are being asked to give your NAME and the CLUB you belong to, and number of people listening with you.
Find the PowerPoint and more here:

November 3rd Mini Star Party for Chamblee High

11 November, 2009 (17:18) | Events | By: tramakers

Steve Bieger and Stephen Ramsden held a mini star party at Chamblee Middle School on Tuesday, November 3rd. The Charlie Elliot Chapter had been approached by Dr. Victoria Rao and asked that we help host such a gathering. The event had been postponed a week thanks to a very cloudy rainy weather before. But there was still a good turn out of parents and students in the parking lot of the school.
Stephen had two refractors and a GoTo SCT setup and Steve had an 8 inch SCT and a GoTo 5 inch Mak on site. Steve gave a quick talk on using the skymaps in the handouts and how to get oriented under the typical suburban sky. The group was shown how to use the Summer Triangle, Cassiopeia and Polaris to get oriented this time of year. The handouts also included a number of useful web site links to help with their classroom study and homework.

Stephen gave everyone a run through of his equipment and entertained the gathering with his vast knowledge. Jupiter was the main target for the evening and the students and parents got a good look at the giant planet and all four Galilean moons. Stephen was able to target some deep sky objects like M57. He was also able to get a look at the moon first with his very tall refractors! Steve also got Alberio in view before switching to the moon coming up over the trees. Our nearest neighbor never fails to get lots of Ooohs and Ahhhs!
The gathering had more than two hours to observe and ask questions. There were about 50 people that came by. Students and parents alike had many great questions about the sky and telescopes. Steve and Stephen had a chance to make some new friends and promote the Chapter. Click here for some images of this event.

Outreach Events for The Children’s School of Atlanta

21 October, 2009 (22:42) | Events | By: tramakers

The Chapter did put on two Star Gazing parties for the Children’s School of Atlanta. The first group came on the 20th to Charlie Elliott and had a chance to observe a number of sky objects under very good seeing conditions. In addition to the moon they were able to see Jupiter with its banding and several moons and some open and globular clusters . They also received a lecture from Jon about the constellations. And most of all, they all saw our Milky Way expanding from the Teapot all the way up north. The second group came on the 21nd, but the skies were cloudy. However they also saw Jupiter and had more time to observe the moon. Thanks to Stephen Ramsden, Jon Wood, Jim Sobeleski, Frank and Theo for being there for the students. We hope they learned something and maybe some of them did get inspired by the beauty of the night sky.

Thanks to Julie Duncan also for giving us the chance again to do this for these students during their stay at the Wildlife Center.

Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

Correction of dates

16 October, 2009 (11:25) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

I made a mistake :-( The call for Volunteers is for Tuesday and Wednesday October 20 and 21st. Not 19 and 20. Sorry for this. Stephen that probably eliminates you for one of the nights :-( If anyone wants to come early and have dinner with the kids, let me know and we will get the details.
Clear skies,

Call for Volunteers. Monday and Tuesday October 19 and 20

16 October, 2009 (09:18) | ALERTS, Events, Observing | By: tramakers

Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center is hosting again the Childrens School from Atlanta. As you know this event was a great success last year and the school has asked us to repeat the program. Since there will be two different groups we need volunteers for two evenings. One for Monday evening and one for Tuesday evening. Both events will start at the observing field between 6:45 and 7:00 P.M. Please drop me a note to let me know if you can make both or one of these events even if it is only for one hour. You know the kids will be thankfull for your time.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers