Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Outreach

The nightsky over Hard Labor Creek park, 2012-07-17

17 July, 2012 (06:59) | Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank Garner went to HLC to show the 33 young campers and the 5 adults who attended the camp of the Methodist Church in Dunwoody what the night sky over HLC looks like.  It was challenging between the clouds, but Frank managed to show some real beauties.
Clear Skies,

RY Robotics explorers outreach 20120-07-10

10 July, 2012 (18:25) | Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank and Theo went to Roswell to expand the views of some Robotic Explorers with some of the requirements needed for space based robots. They observed the sun through our telescopes and than learned what the NASA does to allow us to study the Sun by reviewing the Stereo mission. They also learned how complex a robot can be by learning about Curiosity, its mission, and how it was launched and will land on Mars. The group was very interested in this and we will be back another time. Click the image for more pictures.

Garden Club of Georgia camp outreach

9 July, 2012 (11:28) | Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank, Chris and Theo showed the group of campers the beauty of the night sky over the Jon Wood Field at CE. The Garden club of Georgia had their yearly campout at Charlie Elliott. The children, teens and adults really enjoyed what they learned and saw, even with the moon staying below the horizon. Saturn, M57, M7 and other objects caused so may to say Woww. When I asked one teenager if this was the first time she saw Saturn for real, she said: No, I’ve seen it on my iPad. I explained to her that what she saw through my C11 was realtime and not an image, and she quickly corrected her opinon.
Thanks to all who came out.
Theo Ramakers

Charlie Elliott Chapter reaches out to Gwinnett Parks

12 June, 2012 (15:41) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did receive a request from the Gwinnett Parks and Recreation Dept. for help with their summer camps. The first day of their camps was focussed on “Space”. So three Charlie Elliott Chapter members went yesterday to three different Gwinnett Parks and gave the kids a talk or presentation about Space. Jeff included cooking a comet, Theo and Frank included a flight through the Solar System and presented the details of the launch and landing phases of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity. The kids were very hiped up about what they learned. A rainy day, but a great day for reaching out to these kids with astronomy and Space Exploration.

Venus Transit a great success – Thank you

6 June, 2012 (17:17) | Events, Observing, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did not know if this would be a flop or if the clouds would give way and it would be a great success.  Yesterday at 11:00 a.m. we got together and were hoping for the best.  We felt we had to stick it out  even if the weather would not cooperate because of all the publicity made.  And it did work out.  We had a number of great events and several of our members participated in the Stone Mountain event.  Click here for pictures to the respective events:  Bay Creek Park in Grayson/Loganville,  Homer Sharp Field in Covington and Little Mulberry Park in Auburn.  I would like to thank all, too many to call by name, that stuck it out with us, and the many, many “thanks yous” we received show us that these events in the middle of the communities really work.  Also thanks to those who showed neighbors, friends and others what Venus looked like during the transit  through their telescopes.
Truely an event that none of us expect to see again…..
Clear skies,

The Venus Transit – June 5, 2012 – UPDATE

2 June, 2012 (18:25) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Although the weather does not look good, we might be lucky and be able to see the event through some holes in the clouds.  All our teams are on the way to their respective outreach locations. Looking forward to see you there.

Charlie Elliott Chapter members are ready for outreach events throughout the region to allow the community to witness a very rare astronomical event:  The transit of Venus.  Venus lines up very seldom in the line of sight between the Sun and Earth, but this coming Tuesday is one of those events.  The events happen in pairs of two, eight years apart, and the last event happened in 2004.  However, the next pair will not happen for another 105 years, well into the next century in 2117.   We will setup our Solar Telescopes around 5:00 P.M, but the transit does not start until a few minutes past 6:00 and will continue for about 6 hours until well after sunset.  All events are free, with the exception of Stone Mountain, with the regular park and lift fees to the top of the mountain.  We will observe until the sun sets at each location.  The locations to witness this rare event are:
Covington:     Sharp Field Drive (Between Sharp Field and Sharp Learning Center off Mill Street
Grayson/Loganville:      Bay Creek Park, 175 Ozora Road
Lawrenceville:     Little Mulberry Park, 3855 Fence Road, Auburn
Stone Mountain:     Top of Stone Mountain
Read the announcement in the local paper The Citizen.

The Sun over Grayson Elementary at the last day of School

23 May, 2012 (14:42) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Last Wednesday May 23rd, Frank Garner, Jeff Rebitzke and Anthony Edwards did a solar event for the two classes of Mrs Green on the last day of the school year, because their original scheduled date had to be postponed because of bad weather.  I setup my scope also but had to go home because I felt pretty sick.  About 60 students were able to take a look at the Sun and some nice prominences and active regions before they went home for the summer vacation.  Thanks Mrs. Green for staying with us because of scheduling issues for these classes.  Thanks also to the Charlie Elliott Chapter members for coming out and giving these students something great and worthwile to see.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

The Sun over Memorial Middle School 5/16, 17, 18

21 May, 2012 (10:16) | Events, Observing, Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank and Theo did a three day outreach event for 12 classes at Memorial Middle School on 5/16, 5/17, and 5/18. In the classroom, Theo made a presentation to the 6th graders about how NASA helps study the Sun with satellites like SOHO, SDO and Stereo A and B. They also learned about how the sun can affect our lives on Earth and how the Earth protects us from some of the bad emissions of the Sun. Outside, the students were able to observe the sun in white light and H-alpha, and learned about the relative sizes of the Sun and Earth. (Click the thumbnail for more pictures of the events)


JAKES Day outreach Saturday May 12th

10 May, 2012 (10:07) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The Charlie Elliott chapter will participate in JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center this Saturday May 12th. Come and join us and the others at this event, which wille held around the Discovery building. The weather seems perfect to take a look at the sun and learn some more about astronomy.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

NSN Conference Call: “Our Magnetic Sun” May 9, 2012

7 May, 2012 (15:12) | ALERTS, Outreach, Presentations | By: tramakers

Join us for a teleconference on Wednesday, May 9th to learn all about Our Magnetic Sun with solar scientist and engaging presenter Dr. Bryan Mendez. This summer promises plenty of solar viewing opportunities. Be sure to be armed with sunscreen and solar trivia. And get ready for the newest Outreach ToolKit, Our Magnetic Sun, to be released the same week!
To join the Teleconference on Wednesday, May 9th at 9:00 pm Eastern call the toll-free conference call line: 1-888-455-9236
Call anytime after 8:45 pm the evening of the telecon. An operator will answer and:
- You will be asked for the passcode: NIGHT SKY NETWORK
- You will be asked to give your NAME and the CLUB you belong to, and number of people listening with you.
Find the presentation slides online here or download them here.
Clear skies,
Theo Ramakers