Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Outreach

Excellent Montessori at Charlie Elliott

18 May, 2011 (17:18) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We reached out for two events on Wednesday and Thursday to the Excellent Montessori in Lilburn during their visit at Charlie Elliott. The first evening we showed them how telescopes work, and gave some more insight about our solar system and the sun. After the presentation they saw Saturn with some of its moons, but the moon rose too late to see the craters on the moon and too may clouds prevented from seeing galaxies or nebulas. The second day they saw the sun with some awesome prominances and two sun spots
Thanks Frank and Theo.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Solar Outreach for Excellent Montessori

18 May, 2011 (06:44) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The Solar Outreach for the Excellent Montessori School at CE has been postponed until tomorrow, Thursday May 19th.
Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott

14 May, 2011 (20:25) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Today we did JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott. The first two hours were really slow, maybe because it was cloudy. But after noon when the clouds started to break, it started picking up. We probably showed about 60 visitors the Sun through 5 scopes and inside the Visitors Center some of them learned about the Sun and NASA’s Stereo 360 satellites and the Stardust Mission. I believe that some of them will return to one of our meetings/observing sessions. Thanks to Marie Lott, Tim Geib, Chris, Debbie and Jasmin Tisdale as well as Theo for participating in this outreach. Click here for pictures of the event.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

Call for Volunteers for JAKES Day, This Saturday

12 May, 2011 (08:53) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

This Saturday is JAKES Day at Charlie Elliott. We have participated in this event as long as I remember, and we are doing this again this year. We will be showing the Sun to those who want to take a peek through our scopes and inside we will run some movies and show some of the tools we use in our outreach. If you have time, please join us for this event which runs from 10:00 – 14:00. Please come a little early so we have time to setup and let me know beforehand. Also, in the last meeting it was suggested that after the event we will move the Safety Zone signs at the Jon Wood Field to where they need to be. So bring a shovel or pole digger and help us to move the Jon Wood field within the Safety Zone of the Wildlife Center.
Thanks and Clear Skies,

Yargo Elementary School At Charlie Elliott

12 May, 2011 (07:39) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did host a solar event as well as an evening event for about 30 students of the Yargo Elementary school, who were attending Charlie Elliott’s “The Outdoor Dicovery School”. The students saw and learned about our Sun, the solar wind and NASA’s Stereo 360 mission, and at night they learned that all stars you see at night belong to the Milky Way. They also learned how to find the North Star, and through the scopes they saw a closeup of the moon and Saturn with a few of its moons. Since Stephen was imaging at CE, he joined us for the solar event. Thanks Frank, Stephen and Theo to let these students “Experience the Universe at CE”


Second and Third day at Memorial Middle

6 May, 2011 (07:51) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The chapter went back to Memorial Middle School on Wednesday to let two 6th grade classes and a special education class learn more about, and take a look, at the Sun. On Thursday they went back to do the same for 4 more 5th grade classes. In addition, a math clas showed interest and got the same treatment. Very rewarding week for us and the students at Memorial Middle. The faculty thanked Frank and Theo by presenting them with certificates of appreciation. Special thanks to Mrs Peters and Schrader for asking us to reach out to their school!
Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

Day 2 at Memorial Middle School

4 May, 2011 (16:56) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We finished our second day at Memorial Middle School in Conyers and reached out to two additional 6th grade classes and a special education class for a total of about 75 students and teachers. They all loved to learn about the sun and NASA’s Stereo mission. Thanks to Mrs. Peters for inviting us and giving the kids the chance to see the sun with their own eyes! I messed up the camera settings and all pictures from today of the students were over exposed. My apologies for that! Tomorrow back for the third day!
BTW this is our 300th Post on the CE Website. Time for a celebration!!
Clear skies,

Memorial Middle School Solar Outreach

2 May, 2011 (19:28) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Today we reached out to 150 Students and teachers of the Memorial Middle School in Conyers. Last fall we were there for their NASA day and the NASA night program. We started the five sessions off with a 20 min presentation about NASA’s STEREO satellites followed by an obcerving session of what they learned. The weather started off with variable cloud coverage but soon changed to be good enough to observe the sun. Over all, a very nice day and the students did enjoy seeing what they cannot see with the naked eye and learned something while doing it. We will be back on Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of the 6th grade.
Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

Solar Event at Anna Ruby Falls 2011-04-30

30 April, 2011 (23:44) | Events, Observing, Outreach | By: tramakers

This event was cancelled in March because of the weather and rescheduled for the last day in April. A beautiful day for solar observing and 350+ people took advantage to learn more about, and take a closer look at our Sun through our Solar Scopes. Thanks to David Carswell for inviting us and thanks to Marie and Tim Lott, Alan and Sally Bolton, Annette and Pierre Michel, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers for showing the visitors the sun and the beautiful prominance that grew in size as we observed the sun throughout the day.
Thanks again and Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers


Solar Scopes for Anna Ruby Falls on April 30th.

23 April, 2011 (08:56) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We are reaching out to Anna Ruby Falls’ visitors to take a look at our sun through our solar scopes on April 30th from Noon until 3:00 P.M. If you have a solar scope, white light, H-alpha or whatever… come and join us for this fun event. Last year was a great success. The long range weather forecast is good, so let me know if you can make it.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers