Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Category: Outreach

Fayette Montessori of Fayetteville at Charlie Elliott

29 April, 2010 (07:53) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

We did 2 events at the Outdoor Discovery School at Charlie Elliott for the Fayette Montessori school of Fayetteville, GA. At noon Marie Lott, Stephen Ramsden, Frank Garner and Theo Ramakers gave the students a chance to see the sun through 5 solar scopes in visble light, H-alpha filters as well as Calcium-K. SunInCal-KThey also got a feel for the distances from earth to the moon and the sun in relation to each other. The second phase in the evening Theo and Frank took them on a ride through the solar system to vist some planets and some of their moons and they learned that not all moons are round. At Jon Wood Observing field they got a chance to see with their own eyes the rings of Saturn and its moons Tethys and Enceladus as well as Venus, Mars, the Orion Nebula, some constellations and a beautiful rising full moon! Click here for some pictures. Click here for some images of the event (click the thumbnail for the full sized picture).

Outreach moved to backup date

26 April, 2010 (16:20) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The outreach for Tuesday has been moved to Wednesday same time. The forecast is not good for tomorrow, but Wednesday looks clear. If you can make it please join us for the Solar or evening programs. (Lunch and dinner provided by CE).
Clear Skies

Astronomy Night at Summerour Middle School

24 April, 2010 (09:49) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Frank Garner, Annette and Pierre Michel, and Theo Ramakers did participate in Summerour’s Astronomy night. Franks showed participants how telesopes work and Theo in another classroom flew about 50 students and parents through the solar system and visited several planets and some of their moons. Outside the sky became cloudy so we only could show the moon through a layer of clouds which washed out the view and no other objects were visible. Overall a great event for the approx. 120 that attended. Thanks Marjorie Veasey for inviting us to participate. Click here for some pictures of the event

TODS at Charlie Elliott – Week 1

22 April, 2010 (14:29) | Outreach | By: tramakers

We had a great time at the 2 events for the Outdoor Discovery School at Charlie Elliott yesterday. At noon the kids had a chance to see the sun through 5 solar scopes in visble light and H-alpha filters. They also got a feel for the distances from earth to the moon and the sun in relation to each other. The second event was a classroom presentation by Frank and observing at Jon Wood Field, giving them an understanding of how big the solar system, the milky way and the Universe as we know it is. They were able to see Saturns rings from the side and some of Saturns moons. In addition, they saw the orion nebula and close up views of the moon. It was too light to see some gallaxies. Click here for some pictures. Thanks to Stephen, Marie, Frank, Jim and Theo to show the kids that there is more than earth!
Clear Skies,

Call for volunteers for April 23, Summerour Middle School

21 April, 2010 (09:23) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

This is a call for telescopes for Friday evening April 23 before dark for an outreach event at:
Summerour Middle School
585 Mitchell Road
Norcross, GA 30071

We will do a presentation inside the school followed with observing on the field next to the school. The school expects about 150 students and parents. Call me when you get there and don’t see where to setup. For directions click here.
Thanks for participating.

TODS outreach moved to Wednesday

19 April, 2010 (22:57) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach, Uncategorized | By: tramakers

Because of the weather forecast, the outreach program for tomorrow has been moved to Wednesday April 21st. The solar session will be held at the Dining Hall building. (In the circle behind the visitors center). We will setup in the parking lot after 11:00 A.M. The night observing session will start at Jon Woods Field at dark.
Clear skies,
Theo Ramakers

Call for volunteers: The Outdoor Discovery School (TODS)

18 April, 2010 (11:22) | ALERTS, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Charlie Elliott’s Outdoor Discovery School has requested our participation in their first TODS event of the year. We will have a solar event starting at 11:00 A.M on Tuesday April 20 at the Discovery Building and also an evening event at Jon Wood’s Observing field at dark. So if you have time to come out and let the kids enjoy the sun or night sky, send me an email that you’re coming and bring your scope.
Thanks for your consideration.
Clear Skies
Theo Ramakers

HTS Space Camp 2010 is history!

17 April, 2010 (01:50) | Astronomy, Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

The Charlie Elliott Chapter of the AAc was fortunate again to participate in Hightower Trail’s Space Camp. This was the 6th Space Camp for the school. The forecast was clear, so we did not participate with the inside activities, but setup 4 telescopes on the playground and let the students experience the views of Saturn with its moon Dione, M42, some double stars, and the moon. We discussed some constelations. Because the clouds kept moving in and out, only a few studens got to see the galaxy M65. But the students loved what they saw and a very rewarding evening for our participating members. :-) Click here for some pictures of the event. HTS is teaming up with NASA for some real exciting activities. Click here for more details.

Space Camp – Hightower Trail Elementary school

10 April, 2010 (18:20) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

Space Camp is scheduled for Friday April 16th to start at 6:00pm. This must be our 5th SpaceCamp with Hightower Trail Elemetary School in Conyers. Last year, Jon Wood and I did some in class presentations because of the weather, but for this year we have clear skies in the forecast. So come out with your scope and help even if it is later, by letting these kids look at the night sky. Because of the late date this year and the late sunset, we also will do some inside activities to bridge the gap between light and dark. Please send me an email, if you can participate with your scope!
Theo Ramakers

Outreach programs scheduled so far for April

31 March, 2010 (23:19) | Events, Outreach | By: tramakers

This is an early notification for outreach events for April 2010.
April 16 – Space Camp, Hightower Trail Elementary school in Conyers
April 23 – Astronomy Night , Summermour Elementary School, in Norcross
April 20 – The Outdoor Discovery School at Charlie Elliott. Solar observing and night program
April 27 – The Outdoor Discovery School at Charlie Elliott. Solar observing and night program

Details can be found at the calendar on our website or the NSN website. Please let me know if you can participate in one or more of these events.

In addition this year’s month of astronomy is april and the week of astronomy runs from April 19th through the 25th. So we might add more events as we get closer.
Theo Ramakers